OK, so maybe I do have too much time on my hands, but I always stay busy. I set up a another blog that I've been thinking about using for the other subjects I teach: Algebra 1B and Math Assistance.
I was wondering if some of you would mind giving me feedback. My attempt is to post the day's lessons and homework on-line for those who are absent and/or for those who simply did not get it done in class, lost it, bombed it, etc.
I thought I would also post links to math help sites and other groovy locations, such as the On Campus On Line blog. Click the link on our side bar for BurdMath.
Thank you,
Wickenburg, Ariz
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wishing you a Happy Halloween
Halloween was originally called All Hallows' Eve. The name is shortened from All Hallows' Even ("Even" being short for Evening), which then turned into All Hallows' E'en, then to Hallowe'en, and finally to Halloween. According to some religions, this holiday (beginning at sunset and ending at midnight) is a time for the spirits of the dead to temporarily enter our realm. November 1 is All Saints' Day, or All Hallows. This day religiously celebrates all of the saints, known and unknown.
Emily Prevost
WHSWickenburg, Ariz.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ruiz captures 3A west title
This just in from Coach Clementz!!
Team Scores:1. Sedona 21 2.WHS 74 3. River Valley 90
4. Chino Valley 91 5. Estrella FootHills 99
Parker (Did not have 5 runners).
* = Most Improved Runner
Improvement Rate: Castro 5:34; Martin 1:53; Ruiz :41;
Blakeley :18.
+ = 1st Team All Region 3A West
@ = Most Valuable Regional Runner
^ = 2nd Team All Region 3A West
3A State Championships Sat 11/7/09
@ Cave Creek Golf Course Phoenix,Az
3:10 P.M.
ADRIAN RUIZ 11TH ^ 18:57
BETO PEREZ 13TH ^ 19:17
INDIVIDUAL WINNER: Jesus Rivera Sedona 16:21
Team Scores: 1. Sedona 21 2. WHS 45 3. Chino Valley 69
4. River Valley 118 5. Estrella FootHills 121
Parker, (only 2 runners). 10/30/09
* = Most Improved Runner
Improvement Rate: Krechel 2:39; Bergman 1:46; Ruiz 1:07;
Killer :55; Hyett :40; Staten :21
+ = 1st Team All Region 3A West
^ = 2nd Team All Region 3A West
3A State Championships Sat. 11/7/09
Cave Creek Golf Course Phoenix Az. 1:55 P.M.
Team Scores:1. Sedona 21 2.WHS 74 3. River Valley 90
4. Chino Valley 91 5. Estrella FootHills 99
Parker (Did not have 5 runners).
* = Most Improved Runner
Improvement Rate: Castro 5:34; Martin 1:53; Ruiz :41;
Blakeley :18.
+ = 1st Team All Region 3A West
@ = Most Valuable Regional Runner
^ = 2nd Team All Region 3A West
3A State Championships Sat 11/7/09
@ Cave Creek Golf Course Phoenix,Az
3:10 P.M.
ADRIAN RUIZ 11TH ^ 18:57
BETO PEREZ 13TH ^ 19:17
INDIVIDUAL WINNER: Jesus Rivera Sedona 16:21
Team Scores: 1. Sedona 21 2. WHS 45 3. Chino Valley 69
4. River Valley 118 5. Estrella FootHills 121
Parker, (only 2 runners). 10/30/09
* = Most Improved Runner
Improvement Rate: Krechel 2:39; Bergman 1:46; Ruiz 1:07;
Killer :55; Hyett :40; Staten :21
+ = 1st Team All Region 3A West
^ = 2nd Team All Region 3A West
3A State Championships Sat. 11/7/09
Cave Creek Golf Course Phoenix Az. 1:55 P.M.
My checklist
The following is the physical copy of my mental checklist. It helps me to write it out. Also, I'll be able to see it every time I log on.
I have:
I have:
- Interviewed Courtney Lutz regarding the spirit tree.
- Taken a picture of Ms. Lutz and Mrs. Fletcher with the tree
- Typed up and scheduled my interview with Mr. Myers (about the volleyball story) for next Tuesday
- Typed up an interview for Darcy Fuller, whom I plan to talk to for my homecoming story
- Confirmed that there are some poems to be put in the paper
- Acquired and edited at least one poem that wasn't put in the last edition
- Typed up interview questions for Mrs. Jacobson about the spirit tree
- Confirmed that there are some pictures from the homecoming football game that I can use
- Already taken pictures of volleyball, but I may have to get some more
I still need to:
- Interview Mrs. Jacobson about the spirit tree, and then write up the story
- Interview Mr. Myers, and then write up the vollyeball story
- Ask Darcy Fuller for an interview, and then interview her
- Possibly find another source or two for the homecoming story
- Write up the homecoming story
- Get some more poems and edit them
- Go through the photos from the game
- Get pictures from the dance
- Decide on a picture for volleyball
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tomorrow's Halloween! Here's a special "way to go" for all of you who dressed up today...even though it is in fact, not Halloween yet. Personally, this is my favorite holiday, and my second birthday. Make sure to get out nice and early tomorrow with your costumes and trick-or-treat.
Have fun, and be safe this weekend.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Have fun, and be safe this weekend.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Ugh, seriously I am totally out of the century. I'm testing out Photoshop and I know nothing at all. I'm testing it out on a picture of mine and trying to see if I can get the hang of it.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Trick or treat
Here's an early Happy Halloween! I hope that you guys all have a great time doing whatever tomorrow! Also, to all of you who dressed up today, great job; you all look good.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Halloween rules
I love Halloween. It is my favorite holiday. I dressed up as a penguin. I love everyone's costumes.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Publisher shares experience
Mr. Kevin Cloe, publisher of The Wickenburg Sun, spoke to our journalism class on Thursday. Cloe is the driving force behind our printed edition of the Wrangler Gazette.
Cloe addressed several pertinent issues concerning our continuing development as a valid journalism force. Some of his suggestions were:
Ms. Scarcelli will be your guest teacher today. She has already been informed that this journalism class is the best class that Mr. Burd has ever had. True. She might have five candy bars as a reward for the winners of this week's current events quiz. There are some staff members who are still owed candy bars; yours will be there Monday.
If anyone needs a camera for the week-end, there is one in the bottom right-hand drawer of Mr. Burd's desk in room H-125. Show this post to Mr. Vechiola so he knows it is OK for a staff member to use the camera. There is also a tripod in that room.
I think it would be great if staff members started thinking about the national high school journalism convention that will take place in April. It would be an experience that would significantly advance your knowledge, expertise and education. And it would be lots of fun. For more information, click here.
Have a great week-end, and thanks for all you do. Go Wranglers!
Wickenburg, Ariz
Cloe addressed several pertinent issues concerning our continuing development as a valid journalism force. Some of his suggestions were:
- implement a check list that is viewable to all staff members that will show articles assigned and the stage of the article(s) (e.g., interview done, research done, first draft, etc.).
- alleviate some of the pressure off the editor-in-chief by having separate section editors.
- alleviate some of the pressure off the copy editor by splitting up the task to on-line editing and print-edition editing. (Janaye has mentioned she would be interested in doing one of them.)
- using google.docs as a method of writing, editing and accessing articles on-line.
- establishing a physical in-box where articles that need editing can be placed for review.
- having Juan Jimenez come by to help us with out tabloid lay-out.
- and more that perhaps other staff members can recall.
Ms. Scarcelli will be your guest teacher today. She has already been informed that this journalism class is the best class that Mr. Burd has ever had. True. She might have five candy bars as a reward for the winners of this week's current events quiz. There are some staff members who are still owed candy bars; yours will be there Monday.
If anyone needs a camera for the week-end, there is one in the bottom right-hand drawer of Mr. Burd's desk in room H-125. Show this post to Mr. Vechiola so he knows it is OK for a staff member to use the camera. There is also a tripod in that room.
I think it would be great if staff members started thinking about the national high school journalism convention that will take place in April. It would be an experience that would significantly advance your knowledge, expertise and education. And it would be lots of fun. For more information, click here.
Have a great week-end, and thanks for all you do. Go Wranglers!
Wickenburg, Ariz
Poems needed
I read Dannie's blog and it reminded me that I also need to collect some poems for the paper on top of all my other stories. If anybody has poems or knows people who would like to put poems in the paper, please contact me. If I don't get enough people offering to put them in, I'll have to go scout them out myself and put up posters asking people to submit material. I'm already swamped with articles and photos, so do me a favor. Thanks.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Is everyone ready?
Is everyone ready to dress up for Mr. Booth's class tomorrow? He is telling his classes to dress for Halloween a day before Halloween!
A student in my class has the most interesting ways of thinking; he always has ideas and really is a funny guy. It's unexpected of him, but he keeps Mr. Booth and the class laughing.
Do your essays! Get them done before Monday. Do your best and make it worth reading.
Your life is your life, just be successful in it.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
A student in my class has the most interesting ways of thinking; he always has ideas and really is a funny guy. It's unexpected of him, but he keeps Mr. Booth and the class laughing.
Do your essays! Get them done before Monday. Do your best and make it worth reading.
Your life is your life, just be successful in it.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Its still the flu season and super cold outside! So just a reminder bundle up and drink your orange juice. If you are sick, stay away from school.
Grab your hand sanitizer everyone, swine is in the air!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Grab your hand sanitizer everyone, swine is in the air!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Classroom changes
Am I the only one who finds the budget cut thing ridiculous? I mean eight computers for a class of at least thirty where everyone has to be online daily? It's just crazy. That could definitely be a story. What do you think?
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Just got to say
I've been writing so many poems recently that I can't stop. For some odd reason, I only focus on that when I'm trying to do my other stories. I guess I'm not cut out for writing current events. I'm more of the creative writer. But I'm not complaining.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Rough draft
Yeah, I got most of my rough draft done. President Alex took a look at it during the Writing Club meeting. I still need a little more information about my topic.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I just discovered something cool. I was on Google maps and looked at my Reservation. It was three-dimensional. I felt like I was at home again.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My feelings
Yesterday, when I arrived home I found out that my dad had wrote us. My older sister read the letter to my younger sister. I really didn't want to hear what he had to say because I don't have faith in him anymore. I don't trust what he says to us. He claims that he will change, that this time will be different but I don't believe him. I know that once he gets out he'll go back to acting like he has no family.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Touching email
Wow, I got an email forward from my grandmother in Texas and before I opened it, I thought it was something worthless. Opening it and reading the contents, I realized that it had a very touching message. It was about how even though you may feel like the only person in this whole world who hasn't felt needed, there is one person there for you, that they will love you eternally and that they are the one to make things right. It makes me think about my relationship with my boyfriend and I. I'm going to send it to a friend of mine who has just broken up with their boyfriend and see if it can help her.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Cold as could be
If you haven't noticed, it got extremely cold very fast. Last week we were able to go around wearing a short sleeve. But now it's super freezing and it's supposed to be just as cold tomorrow! Imagine how cold it's going to get over the weekend. A cold Halloween is within sight!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Homecoming pictures
If anybody has any pictures whatsoever from Homecoming, I need them for my story. So please tell me if you do or know someone who does! Get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you, I'd really appreciate it.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Get your efforts recognized

The International Quill and Scroll Society, is an honor society for high school journalists. WHS has been a chapter member of this highly prestigious organization since 1973.
Unlike most journalistic associations that focus on improving the school's publications, Q & S focuses on improving the individual staff member's skills. This is an opportunity for you, the high school journalist, to be recognized for your outstanding efforts, talents and abilities.
To be considered for membership into the Q & S Society, a student must meet the following five criteria:
- They must be a junior or senior classmate. (Second semester sophomores will be considered, but membership will not be effective until their junior year.
- They must be in the upper third of their class academically.
- They must have done superior work in some phase of journalism.
- They must be recommended by their adviser.
- They must be approved by theexecutive director of the Society.
Wickenburg, Ariz
Cool shoes
This is really cool. You can make your own shoe, then buy it. A dream come true at (nikeid.nike.com)
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
First off: If anybody has any pictures of homecoming, please contact me! I need them!
I've scheduled an interview for tomorrow after school with Ms. Lutz concerning the new Spirit Tree. I also need to talk to Mr. Myers about the volleyball season. Then I can get working on the actual articles. After all that, I can finally work on the homecoming article, which will probably be the most difficult of the three I'm taking on. I've already put two short articles onto the online edition this week, and I hope to get my three full-sized articles done before the weekend. Busy busy.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I've scheduled an interview for tomorrow after school with Ms. Lutz concerning the new Spirit Tree. I also need to talk to Mr. Myers about the volleyball season. Then I can get working on the actual articles. After all that, I can finally work on the homecoming article, which will probably be the most difficult of the three I'm taking on. I've already put two short articles onto the online edition this week, and I hope to get my three full-sized articles done before the weekend. Busy busy.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Seriously, Mr. Burd's story is crazy! I have heard worse stories but that is just wrong. I mean, why do that at school? If it were at a public place (still creepy and wrong) it'd make much more sense. I'm surprised Mr. Burd didn't tattle.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Secret lovers
Mr. Burd has caught some good dirt on a couple in the girls' bathroom near the cafeteria. But he won't reveal the names.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Monday, October 26, 2009
For those of you who don't pay attention to the morning announcements, the PSATs are going to be this Wednesday at 12:00. Supposedly they are going to call you down by name if you signed up or send someone down to get you, but I'm not completely sure. It doesn't matter, they usually change their minds last second anyways. Also, for those of you who haven't signed up, you should. There are a few spots left and it only costs $15. By taking this test you are not only preparing yourself for the future SATs but you are also widening your chances for future scholarships. So sign up if you haven't or study hard if you already did. And good luck!
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
NHS improves the community
Early Saturday morning, NHS members volunteered to paint three different houses around town. The Paint-a-Thon began at 8:00 a.m. and the last house was finished at 3:00 p.m. A lot of hard work went into beautifying the residences. The houses were located on Jefferson St., Washington St., and just off Highway 60.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
What is up with the new stuff on Blogger? Did it just get put up or was I just too out of it last week to notice? I really like the YouTube powered video bar. I think Mr. Burd just went crazy with it this weekend.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
New addition to the campus
Did anybody notice the Spirit Tree just off the corner of the G Building? I'd say it looks pretty good! I would like to pursue an article on this to find out more about it. This is just what our campus needs. Please contact me if you have any information on it.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
There was a project?
Okay, I got a call from Alex over there asking me about this Geometry project that was somehow issued a few weeks ago. I'm like "What? When did this happen?" Apparently since I don't know about it or did it for that matter, I guess I'm gonna lose my points for it.
Hmm... maybe Mr. McDowell can let me make it up somehow. Hopefully he's in a good mood. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I'm willing to do anything.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Hmm... maybe Mr. McDowell can let me make it up somehow. Hopefully he's in a good mood. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I'm willing to do anything.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I so need to sleep...
This was one of the busiest weekends of my life without a doubt! On Friday a couple friends and I went to Wittmann to hangout with the guys. As soon as we got there we decided to go down to a restaurant in Peoria. After we got done eating all of us went to Fear Farm, where we paired up into the buddy system to go through the houses. My buddy was terrible. He would jump out of the corn and scare ME and when one of the creepy cannibal guys tried to hit on me, my little 'buddy' said "It's cool you can take her!" and tried to run away. Then after we got out of the haunted house, my friend who was holding my phone for me informed me that my phone, my baby who I worked all summer for, was no longer in her pocket. But thanks to quick thinking from Troy, the phone was recovered by a guy with a chainsaw. He's my new hero for sure. After the Fear Farm fiasco we all went to the movies. No one could agree on a movie, so we divided. Taylor, Brittini, Sydney, and Stephanie went to see The Vampire's Assistant, while Paige, Troy, Josh, Amanda, Dillon, and I went and saw Where the Wild Things Are. Our movie got out a good thrity minutes before theirs so we headed back to Wickenburg and told everone else to meet us later. We ended up getting back to Paige's and in bed and around 3:30 am. The best part is the next day we had to get up at 5:30 to go take the ACT test. When we got to the testing location the people informed me that because my transaction on the my card didn't go through, I couldn't take the test. So we drove all the way back home. As soon as I got there I went to sleep and pretty much slept all day. Then yesterday we were out until around 10:00 hanging out with the guys again. Needless to say, I am so so tired. I wish high schools let us have nap time.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My weekend!
My weekend was great. I went to the Homecoming game and dance. Then on Saturday I went to a music festival. The music festival was awesome; I liked it a lot. It was a lot of fun. Then on Sunday I hung out with my sisters and went to the store with my aunt.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
AIMS tests this week

All sophomores and juniors, as well as some select seniors, will be participating in the Arizona state-mandated AIMS tests this week. Tuesday will be the AIMS writing test; Wednesday will be the reading portion; and Thursday will be the math section.
Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards is what is commonly referred to as an "exit exam," because, irrespective of a student's academic performance during his four years of high school, the student cannot graduate without passing all three (soon to be four---science) tests.
Find help and helpful links on the Arizona Department of Education's web-site. For a preview of what math formulas you are expected to work with, click here.
Good luck, and don't panic.
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cross country results
"Hopefully we are all tuned up and ready to go for next Friday. Guys can knock off Sedona for the title but to get All 5 or 7 guys to have the race of a lifetime…that is the question and the task at hand." Doug Clementz
Wickenburg, Ariz
Wickenburg, Ariz
Friday, October 23, 2009
So my Jake is here! Woo-hoo! Six months and he's finally here. How exciting! Homecoming today then Fear Farm tomorrow then Sunday just a chilling for me. It is going to be a fun weekend! Hope you all have a great one!
Bailey Gonzalez
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Bailey Gonzalez
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Man I'm so excited for Homecoming today!
Being this hyper and excited about one school event really surprises me. I'm going to catch the game and I'll be in my dress afterwards with Chessnie Cline offering to do my hair. Everyone who is going to the Homecoming Dance is going to look great! I'm offering to take pictures for that night for two reasons:
1) I bet it would be good for the newspaper.
2) What can I say? My family, friends and orthodontist want pictures. Why my orthodontist wants a picture, I don't know; but hey, she's been kind to me and my teeth since I got my braces.
Hope to see all you there tonight!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Being this hyper and excited about one school event really surprises me. I'm going to catch the game and I'll be in my dress afterwards with Chessnie Cline offering to do my hair. Everyone who is going to the Homecoming Dance is going to look great! I'm offering to take pictures for that night for two reasons:
1) I bet it would be good for the newspaper.
2) What can I say? My family, friends and orthodontist want pictures. Why my orthodontist wants a picture, I don't know; but hey, she's been kind to me and my teeth since I got my braces.
Hope to see all you there tonight!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
The weekend
I find myself pretty lucky! The reason being is that I got to come back to school on Wednesday. I was already waiting for Friday to come around and finally it's Friday! Two days of waiting seems forever.
So all of you have a great weekend! And hope that all of you who are going to the game and the dance. Have fun!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
So all of you have a great weekend! And hope that all of you who are going to the game and the dance. Have fun!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Something funny and stupid
A man was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured it was for exceeding the speed limit even though he knew he wasn't speeding. Just to be sure he went around the block and passed the same spot but driving more slowly but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think it was quite funny so he drove even slower. It flashed again, then the fourth with the same result and then a fifth time he drove at a snails pace laughing as the camera flashed. Two weeks later in the mail he got five tickets for not wearing a seat belt. You can't fix stupid.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Grand finale
Homecoming week draws to a climax today, October 23, the day of the WHS vs Parker Homecoming game and dance. The game starts at 7:00 pm and should end around 9:00. Be there to support our home team. The dance begins at 9:30. I hope you all have your tickets. Otherwise, the cost of admission at the door is $10. Homecoming Queen and King will be announced today as WHS Homecoming week winds down to its end.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My weekend is going to be great. Today I'm going to the Homecoming game and dance. I hope that the rest of my weekend goes well also. I hoping to either finish the book I'm reading today or sometime during the weekend.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Chairs are empty today

A very unusual sight: nobody waiting to see Mr. Strack outside his office on a Thursday morning. Good behavior before, during and after the awesome pep assembly?
Emily Prevost caught this picture about 11 a.m. as she and Lucy Randazzo waited for their interview appointment with Principal Jacobson.
Wickenburg, Ariz
Learning about my culture
I learned something yesterday. My mom told me to "keep my medicine strong," which is like saying "have a good conscience." And so what I have is good and bad medicine.
With my good medicine, she says when I keep it strong it will be good to me, and my bad medicine, which is like curses, I can use them, but it will return three times harder. Then I thought, is it really worth it? Probably not; it's kind of like karma, but for Native Americans.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz
With my good medicine, she says when I keep it strong it will be good to me, and my bad medicine, which is like curses, I can use them, but it will return three times harder. Then I thought, is it really worth it? Probably not; it's kind of like karma, but for Native Americans.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz
Last game
Today, October 22, is the last normal game of the 2009 volleyball season. JV and Freshman teams' seasons will end today with the conclusion of the match at Estrella Foothills. Varsity, however, will still compete in Regionals and possibly State matches. The Freshmen play today at 4:00 pm, JV at 5:00, and Varsity at 6:00.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Pep rally was the bomb
I think Parker has it in for our Wranglers this Friday night. But, our men will kick their boys to the dirt! Look out Parker, we're going to bring it on all the way. We are the bomb, we go tick tick boom!
"Don't dis' me, Parker," said the WHS rapper and horse.
Bailey Gonzalez
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Pep rally and Parker destruction plans
Wow, that pep rally was really crazy! It was fun, though, I must admit. All the colors, the spirit, the contest and that amazing video to beat Parker.
From my point of view, the grade level that had the most color spirit was sophomores, and the least was, sadly, the juniors.
As for the yelling, I'd say that was all even. So much was going on within the pep rally, but the best part was the video of destroying Parker. I have never seen such a rivalry like this before, so I'm glad to say that I did experience it. It was so much fun!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Quote of the day
"Three years ago on this day was the most horrible day ever. I sat and waited. Sat and waited. Finally I checked the mail. All that was there were my mother's bills. So now on my birthday, I am always reminded how I wasn't accepted to Hogwarts, and it hurts... " said Shayne Locks.
This made my day when I got it in an email from my friend. I thought I would share this quote with you guys so we can all smile a bit more!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
This made my day when I got it in an email from my friend. I thought I would share this quote with you guys so we can all smile a bit more!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I have a busy schedule this week starting Thursday. School tomorrow and then a doctor's appointment which should be just great. The following day is homecoming. Shelby and I are going to the game and leaving early to get dolled up. Then I'm staying the night at her wonderful house and waking up early the next morning to go home for the big event at my very own home. Show time! There is going to be a show/concert at my house starting at 6:30 p.m on Saturday and $3 admission, you're welcome to come if you'd like, just ask me for all the details. Prediction- afterwards I'll be so tired I will crash on the couch while talking to the bands and they will move me to my bed. Sunday afternoon I will wake up wondering what happened the night before and I will eventually think it through while my headache begins. The boyfriend will show up a couple hours later, and the headache gets worse. Monday morning I will not be ready for school. Tuesday my rough draft on SADD is due.
Fun right?
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fun right?
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I had a long night
So from the time I got home from school to the time I went to bed I was helping my neighbors fight off a house fire. It was an electrical fire and it took forever to put out. I feel so bad for the family who lost their house, their belongings and their life long memories. We were only able to save their 2 cats, laptops and some picture frames that were hanging on the walls. Everything else is gone.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
New job
Okay, got my new task from Hannah, the Club Assembly.
Now I remember most of it but I might need to remember all the groups, nominations and awards. I hope that all of you can help me with this. Is there anyone here I could talk to in case a question comes to me?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Now I remember most of it but I might need to remember all the groups, nominations and awards. I hope that all of you can help me with this. Is there anyone here I could talk to in case a question comes to me?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fall Break
Well lucky my Fall Break lasted a little longer. Today is my first day back!
Over the break I spent time with my grandparents and on Thursday went hunting until yesterday. I was a blast, but unfortunately I didn't get anything. But, hey there's always next time!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Over the break I spent time with my grandparents and on Thursday went hunting until yesterday. I was a blast, but unfortunately I didn't get anything. But, hey there's always next time!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Interview for the blood drive
I just finished my interview with Kelsey Drescher over the Blood Drive that took place at WHS a few weeks ago. It went a lot smoother than my past interviews with people. How easy going the interview was just totally made my day. I was sort of dreading it wondering whether the person would show up, or if I would get enough information for a decently sized article. But no. I got everything I needed without any hassle.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
A little worried
My dad and I are very close and usually0 talk at least five times a week, but he hasn't called me in a month... Everyone keeps saying work is just keeping him busy but I'm not so sure about that. He calls no matter what, even if it's just to say 'hello' and 'goodnight'. I'm really starting to worry! My dad's a water well driller in Durango, Colorado. On a normal drill crew, there should be at least three people, but my dad insists on working alone. To make his job even more dangerous, it's starting to snow there. There's a lot of ice and heavy machinery and he's always in some obscure location way out in the mountains, alone of course. I'm just starting to get nervous. It's not like him to ignore my calls.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My friend wants me to join a differenct elective class, but I don't know. I have to think about it.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Contest for HSJ newspapers
Staff and writers, check out the contest that HSJ.org is running for the schools that receive the most 'hits' on their on-line newspapers. Read this article.
Wouldn't it be cool if WHS could be one of the five schools? Spread the word: "Got news? Get clicks."
Wickenburg, Ariz
Spirit tree
When I was outside taking pictures of the art class's chalk-work, Mrs. Jacobson appeared and we chatted for a bit. She was excited about how the students were showing school spirit. Then she pointed to one of the trees. "See this tree here?" she asked. "Some people carved Nazi symbols into it not too long ago. It was just a terrible thing to see, and we couldn't get the swastikas off. You can still see them there. But I had an idea to turn that bad image into a 'spirit tree.' We could cover the swastikas with tree-friendly paint, and decorate the tree in purple and gold. It would turn that horrible memory into a positive symbol." I started thinking about it, and this Spirit Tree idea sounds really great. What do you think?
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Live on-line
The Wrangler Gazette has gone live online via the High School Journalism organization. Check out the current news and events at http://my.hsj.org/az/wickenburg/wranglernews
Comments, suggestions and ideas are welcomed. Reach us through our staff emails or at journalism.whs@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Comments, suggestions and ideas are welcomed. Reach us through our staff emails or at journalism.whs@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Done with Homework
Yeah, I have some work that I didn't finish at home. Like right now, I'm trying to get my Choir stuff done. I did half of it over break but not the rest. Thankfully, this part is the easiest.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I was gone yesterday. Does anyone want to fill me in?
Mr. Booth's test was delayed until tomorrow for me because of my absence yesterday, so I now have study time and writing time.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Mr. Booth's test was delayed until tomorrow for me because of my absence yesterday, so I now have study time and writing time.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Long time no see
I feel like I haven't been in this class in forever! I missed Thursday before break because of the matinee, then Friday I forgot to set my alarm and ended up sleeping in until sixth hour. I still can't believe I did that. Then yesterday, I missed my first through fourth hour because I had court. Not for anything serious, I swear. Just a curfew violation. The courts seem to be cracking down on curfew violators. It is now considered a criminal act. You can either get a huge fine or community service. The amount of hours you have to serve and the fine you have to pay depends on exactly how late you were out. (Possible story?) I was sentenced with 23 hours of community service instead of a $300 fine because I have straight A's. And you would not believe how many people from our school were in that court room! Word to the wise, wear your seat belt, try not to speed, and get good grades. The judges seem to smile upon scholars! So please, heed my warning and stay out of the courts!
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Faith restored
Show night, Saturday; he came.
My daddy came surprisingly. It was so fulfilling. I started crying.
It's officially the best day ever.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My daddy came surprisingly. It was so fulfilling. I started crying.
It's officially the best day ever.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Today seems to be going by so slow. I was so ready to be back at school and then my best friend isn't even here! Oh well, I really need to stay focused on my school work this quarter and especially for the next few weeks so I can get my permit. I hope you all have a great week!
Shelby Bishop
Shelby Bishop
Attention Student Council
Hey, do any one of you know where the dance is going to be? Is it in the gym or the cafe? And are the tickets $7 a person or $7 a couple this week? I'm confused. Thanks.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
So, this Fall Break was pretty much okay, besides the fact that I was sick all week, I still sort of had a good time. I also got my permit so I can legally drive with the parents, but I can ditch them next year when I turn 17. I'm pretty much bad at the whole driving thing.
Kelci Covington
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kelci Covington
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wasted time
Well break is officially over and I'm probably the millionth person to post this, but I really have nothing else to say. My break was basically a complete waste of time...well enjoyed wasted time, but still nonproductive. I can't believe that it went by so fast! I must have had a bazillion things to do, important things I might add, and guess how many I got done? None. Zip. Zilch. It's unbelievable. I know that I seem to put things off until break, any break, and then never get around to doing those things. Does this happen to anyone else?
Any who, I hope that every one's break was a little more involved than my sleeping and eating pattern.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Any who, I hope that every one's break was a little more involved than my sleeping and eating pattern.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Spirit week
Welcome back reluctant students and faculty! To celebrate the "wonderful" return of school, student council has organized a spirit week! Today, I hope you all wore your flip-flops and beach towels for Fun-in-the-Sun Day. Tomorrow is Support the Troops day, so bring your red, white, and blue or camouflage. Wednesday is Pink or Blue day. Girls wear pink, boys wear blue. Thursday is Crazy Color Day. Seniors are red, juniors are orange, sophomores are green, and freshmen are blue. Friday, October 23 is the day of homecoming, and the spirit week theme is Extreme Purple and Gold. Get your spirit on!
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My Fall Break
I feel like I didn't get have of the stuff I wanted to done over Fall Break. My list could go on an on. The one thing that I did get done was at the top of it. I cleaned the entire second floor excluding my sister's room. I even washed down the walls and the ceiling. It took me two days to get everything done.
I need to remember not to try to clean the ceiling while standing on a wheelie computer chair. It wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I need to remember not to try to clean the ceiling while standing on a wheelie computer chair. It wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fall Break
My Fall Break was pretty lame. Nothing to do at home except for talking on the phone. And of course, me being easily bored, I would go up to some random tree in my house and start braiding it! My friend (one I talked to all week) said that I was seriously desperate. But Friday, Saturday and Sunday were fun. I went to the State Fair Friday, ice-skating party Saturday, and shopping for my homecoming dress on Sunday. But everything else was a pain and boring. I hope all of you guys had a more interesting break than I did.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Welcome back Wranglers

Today is the first Monday back from our break! Work hard and stay focused because this is also the first day of our second quarter! Welcome back everyone; lets make this week amazing!
Also, this is our Homecoming spirit week, so don't forget to dress up and show some spirit. I expect to see you all at the dance and football game.
Have an awesome day guys!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fall Break sucked!
I had absolutely nothing to do all week! I just sat around at home and did nothing; I never even stepped foot off of my property. That's sad. What a waste of a perfect week off.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fall Break!
My fall break was okay. I went to my great-grandfather's funeral. Then I spent the rest of my fall break working on homework and other things. I also got to hang out with one of my friends. It was an okay break.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
I dont know about the rest of you but I am sure ready to go back to school!!!
Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday slump
Everyone is sick but that is okay. We have to make it through the day.
Yes, I just rhymed.
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Yes, I just rhymed.
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
It is finally Friday! But on top of that, we get to start our break. The week does go by fast, but it seems like when you're waiting for a day to come it takes longer. But who cares when break is starting. So I hope all of you have a great break. Try and make it last as long as possible. That Monday will surely sneak up faster than you think.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
I'm normally not the one to complain much, but I am so tired from yesterday and last night. There was so much stuff going on. I had to run up and down stairs 20 times because everyone is like "Dannie, can you get this for me?" "Dannie, you need to get your hair done....Oh, you're not in the matinee?" "Make-up crews looking for you Dannie! You need to get old! Oh right, you're in Act III." And also of course the occasional "All cast downstairs!" The fog machine probably wore me out too but other than that, I had so much fun! Now the question is can I take a nap now?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
This is it people
Yep, today is Friday, the day that most of us have been looking forward to for the past month. It is the beginning of our week of freedom, and a chance for all of us to stay home and be sick in peace instead of sharing germs. I've heard that "sharing is caring" but come on people, if the sick don't stay home no one will ever get better. Hopefully this break will get rid whatever is left of the germs.
Mainly I hope that everyone had a good week, with the play and all. I didn't get a chance to actually see the play, but I heard nothing but positive and wickedly awesome comments about it. So congratulations to all of those involved for doing such an outstanding job.
I myself don't really have anything planned for break, mainly just working on my second book I suppose and relaxing. But for those of you who have wild and crazy things planned, have fun with that and I can't wait to see all of you again come the 26...well, I can, but that's besides the point.
Have fun over break everyone, and please, please do not forget about story ideas because our deadline for this issue will come up a lot faster than the last.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Mainly I hope that everyone had a good week, with the play and all. I didn't get a chance to actually see the play, but I heard nothing but positive and wickedly awesome comments about it. So congratulations to all of those involved for doing such an outstanding job.
I myself don't really have anything planned for break, mainly just working on my second book I suppose and relaxing. But for those of you who have wild and crazy things planned, have fun with that and I can't wait to see all of you again come the 26...well, I can, but that's besides the point.
Have fun over break everyone, and please, please do not forget about story ideas because our deadline for this issue will come up a lot faster than the last.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Good job Dracula
The play was outstanding; I loved every minute of it. Great job to those of you in the play. All of you were great. Dracula has an interesting story line and I'm happy Mr. Vechiola allowed us to go see it. Thank you and everyone keep up the good work.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wow, I've been to a lot of plays but this one was by far the best, and it was only the preview for it! I'm most definitely coming to see the whole play. All the actors did such an awesome job. I felt like I was watching a movie. Keep up the good work guys!
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I would just like to say congratulations on a great paper. Thank you to those who wrote stories. For those of you that didn't, you need to step it up. It's time to start working on the next issue.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fall break!
My fall break starts a day early. I will not be here tomorrow. I'm going to my great-grandfather's funeral. At the funeral I'll be reading my poem that I wrote him. I'll also be singing a song at the funeral. I'm really nervous about it. Yesterday after school, I went to the viewing. Seeing him like that was the hardest thing I've ever been through.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Has this happened to you?
For the last couple of days, I've been trying to post a blog but the button didn't show up. I seriously looked everywhere and pressed every link I could find, but alas no 'new post' button. Finally, today I found it. So I'm wondering, has this ever happened to you? Have you guys ever lost the link? Or have I just lost my mind?
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lovely Wednesday
Only two more days and we are out for Fall Break. I can't wait!
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Are we there yet?
Have you ever known someone was going to call you and you were so thrilled about it that you wait by the phone 20 minutes before they're supposed to call? And you do it just in case, or just because your so excited to hear from them? I have.
Have you ever had them answer and make your entire day more special and beautiful than you have ever imagined? I have; I ran a marathon afterwords.
Have you ever had it where they didn't call? I just had it happen. When I went on stage for rehearsal, I forgot my lines.
I hope my father comes to the show this Saturday like he promised me.
It wouldn't be the first time he has broken a promise and it wouldn't be the first time I have cried over it either.
He affects my life more than he should ever be allowed to know and if he shows up this Saturday, I swear right here and now, I will finally believe in God.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Have you ever had them answer and make your entire day more special and beautiful than you have ever imagined? I have; I ran a marathon afterwords.
Have you ever had it where they didn't call? I just had it happen. When I went on stage for rehearsal, I forgot my lines.
I hope my father comes to the show this Saturday like he promised me.
It wouldn't be the first time he has broken a promise and it wouldn't be the first time I have cried over it either.
He affects my life more than he should ever be allowed to know and if he shows up this Saturday, I swear right here and now, I will finally believe in God.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
More stories
I think that it is wrong that Hannah and Mr. Burd are forced to adjust the newspaper because there isn't enough content. Mr. Burd wasn't just saying that to take up our time. I know for a fact that I only got papers to edit from less than half of the class. All of your articles should be coming to me for revisions. No exceptions.
On the blogs, people are getting sloppy as well. I know that it is almost the end of first quarter but that doesn't give you the right to slack off. There is absolutely no texting lingo in a blog. You are in high school; you should know that you capitalize the beginning of a sentence and have punctuation marks at the end. Sentences that you are excited about don't always end in an exclamation mark either. And 'I' on its own is capitalized. Always. It isn't that difficult.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
On the blogs, people are getting sloppy as well. I know that it is almost the end of first quarter but that doesn't give you the right to slack off. There is absolutely no texting lingo in a blog. You are in high school; you should know that you capitalize the beginning of a sentence and have punctuation marks at the end. Sentences that you are excited about don't always end in an exclamation mark either. And 'I' on its own is capitalized. Always. It isn't that difficult.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Long days
Does anyone else feel as if the weeks now are just getting longer and longer? The days seem to get longer during 1, 2, 4 and 7 hours.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Outside our Creative Art class has found a new way to show us what spirit week is going to be! With chalk they drew out the weekly schedule, with pictures that thoroughly matched what we were to dress up as. Great work to all of those who participated in decorating our campus. As everybody went to their classes, they stopped to look at what was now there! Everybody notice what a great job these people did.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Yesterday I was sick
Tacitus is not contagious. But it is what I had, it means my tracea (the inside of my throat) is swollen. I couldn't talk yesterday, so I had to stay home. I got it from having a minor case of the flu, but because I did not treat it immediately, that is what I ended up with.
Yesterday, I went to the doctor's office here in Wickenburg. The doctor told me that in our high school, they have two swine flu positive cases. Just wanted to warn all you germaphobes. I know I will be carrying my hand sanitizer!
Wash your hands everyone, and have a amazing Tuesday!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Yesterday, I went to the doctor's office here in Wickenburg. The doctor told me that in our high school, they have two swine flu positive cases. Just wanted to warn all you germaphobes. I know I will be carrying my hand sanitizer!
Wash your hands everyone, and have a amazing Tuesday!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Starting to get chilly
Did you guys notice how sudden our weather changes have been? Like one day, it was really hot and the next day it got really nice, then cool, then cold. I'm going to hate life when winter comes.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Monday, October 5, 2009
"Monday, Monday. Can't Touch That Day"- The Mamas and The Papas
Put a little Love in you heart!
If you need a little bit of different happiness, visit the website below.
Other peoples' happiness just brightened my entire day. It helped me bring back selflessness, and instead of holding onto the negative, I'm embracing a those minute, beautiful positve things that tell us it is a small world after all.
Alexnadra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
If you need a little bit of different happiness, visit the website below.
Other peoples' happiness just brightened my entire day. It helped me bring back selflessness, and instead of holding onto the negative, I'm embracing a those minute, beautiful positve things that tell us it is a small world after all.
Alexnadra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fall break
I don't know about you guys but I can't wait for fall break. I get to see some friends from the valley so I'm happy.
Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Another Parade, Another Weekend

Well this weekend was a rather boring yet exciting weekend,if that makes any sense. I went to Old Congress Days Saturday and it was enjoyable thanks to the nice little breeze we had. I won my parade division again. Three parades won. Go me. Went to the gymkhana, first time for my horse to do speed events and its been 11 years since I've done them so it was nice to go back to old times. I had a pleasurably good weekend. I also got a contract signed to be a photogenic model. Exciting. I also get the honor of carrying our country's flag at a rodeo this weekend during our nations song! Talk about an honor! Yep, to me that looks like that girl could Miss Rodeo America. What do you think?
Happy Monday?
I noticed everyone is coming down with the flu or some kind of virus. I spent my Saturday at the hospital trying to make my mom laugh when she got an IV for fluids. Oh boy was she scared. She got through it though, and hopefully will be over it soon. I don't want to get sick again and miss anymore school.
To feel better and stay healthy, take a jog or even walk when you get the chance, drink water and wash your hands.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
To feel better and stay healthy, take a jog or even walk when you get the chance, drink water and wash your hands.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Last week
Congratulations everybody. We have almost made it through the first quarter. Barely. Some students are dragging themselves by their teeth to reach the end of the week. But it is only going to get harder as the weeks progress. Chins up, everyone, there's only three quarters of the year left.
The first issue of our newspaper is scheduled to come out this Wednesday, October 7. Kudos to all who put in their hard work to get this year's paper off the ground. The next issue is coming out on November 5, so I hope you're all ready to get back to work.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
The first issue of our newspaper is scheduled to come out this Wednesday, October 7. Kudos to all who put in their hard work to get this year's paper off the ground. The next issue is coming out on November 5, so I hope you're all ready to get back to work.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Yesterday, I got a Nintendo 64. I haven't played one since 6th grade. I played Pokemon all night.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Chemistry Test
It might be the last week before Fall Break, but that doesn't mean that school is over and done with. For those of you who are in Chemistry, don't forget that there is a test on Wednesday. Last week we took the Elements Test and now this week we have another. Make sure to study, study, study because the test will not be multiple choice or matching. This includes the many definitions. Remember; we will be required to write all of them out, so keep them simple and short when studying. I wish all of you good luck and hope that this little reminder helped.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tech week
Tech Week is already here! Everyone is probably under a lot of pressure and stress. I know Modz and Baker must be. Who else is excited?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
The accursed flu shot
My mom made me get the flu shot last week, and as always, I got the flu as a result. Usually I don't get the stupid thing for just that reason but my grandmother would kick the bucket if she got the strain I would have contracted at school. It inevitably would have happened. It always does. So this whole weekend I felt horrible. Now it isn't so bad; it is more like a cold really. So I warn you all. Don't get the accursed shot if you don't have to.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Know of any jobs?
I'm trying really hard to find someone a job and I have been looking everywhere! Does any one know a place that is hiring?
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My weekend
My weekend was an okay. I went and visited my friend with my sisters. Then we went shopping at Walmart. Then on Saturday, I spent a lot of my time working on my story that I'm writing. Then on Sunday I spent my time watching television and working more on my story. So all in all, I say it was an okay weekend.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Friday, October 2, 2009
It has taken a long time and a lot of work but finally my articles are in and done! Doesn't it just feel like a weight has been lifted? I know it does for me. So much stress has just fallen off my shoulders. That's the thing about deadlines, they sneak up on you. But in the end everything is right and I can finally breathe. Hope all of you guys feel just as relieved as I do. Have a great weekend.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Come see the play
Dracula is playing on September 8 and 7:00 pm or the 10 at 5:00 pm. He won't bite...much.
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wow, a ton of people love video games. I don't think I could possible count all of the gamers. Just thinking about all the numbers makes my head spin.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I think I will get one or both of my ears pierced, but it is a hard decision. I'm going to have to think about it.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
It's finally here. You know what i'm talking about: the weekend. Even though the week went by pretty fast, you always look forward to your weekends. So I hope that everyone has a great one.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Just a quick reminder that all articles are due today. But I'm guessing that you've already heard that a million times!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Happy birthday!
I am sending a shout out to my Spanish buddy, Arthur, who is the only reason I didn't put off taking the class until next year. He also shares his birthday with Ghandi, that famous Indian dude who fought with peace and junk. So hip-hip-hurray and all that jazz to you two. Well, one of you, since the other is already dead.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
A weekend of peace
Well, fellow journalists, it has been a long time since I have had a weekend to myself. Last weekend, I had three papers to write that were all due on Monday, plus I was sick, so that wasn't very fun. The weekend before that, I had two papers to write which required a lot of research and my internet was down. Luckily, all of my papers got done and turned in on time. How? I have absolutely no idea but I'm happy that I did. So this weekend, I have no homework so far and no papers to write. I'm so looking forward to sleep without having to worry if the internet is working or if I saved a document.
I hope the rest of you people have a great weekend; I know I will.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I hope the rest of you people have a great weekend; I know I will.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My weekend
This weekend, I hope that I get to go visit my grandpa in the hospital. My aunt went and visited him yesterday and she came home crying because he's not getting better. He's actually getting a lot sicker. I hope that he keeps fighting but he's been fighting what ever he has for three years now. I really don't think he's going to make it. He's in a really bad shape. I just hope that he stay with us a little bit longer. We're not ready to say good bye to him just yet. I also want to go and hang out with one of my friends. I hope that I can. If not, I'll probably just sit at home and write poems or write more to my stories that I'm writing.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The final deadline is upon us. I hope all of you have your stories in and edited. If not, you had better get cracking. If so, I'm sure that Hannah could use a helping hand. Others may need help with their stories, too, so don't be afraid to reach out.
I am feeling very accomplished. This quarter, I completed three (count them, three) stories and edited five poems. Three of these poems will be in the paper, and the rest will be printed in later issues. Thank you to all the poets who submitted their pieces! Your work will not go unappreciated. In addition to my stories and the poems, several of my photos will be appearing in the paper. The experiences I have had so far in this class are truly priceless.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I am feeling very accomplished. This quarter, I completed three (count them, three) stories and edited five poems. Three of these poems will be in the paper, and the rest will be printed in later issues. Thank you to all the poets who submitted their pieces! Your work will not go unappreciated. In addition to my stories and the poems, several of my photos will be appearing in the paper. The experiences I have had so far in this class are truly priceless.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Upon arriving home today, I was greeted by a letter. The fancy font and formal packaging led me to believe that it was something important. Sure enough, it may be one of the greatest honors in my high school life. It was an invitation from the National Youth Leadership Forum to join this coming summer's National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine. On this trip, I will learn and study under some of the most respected medical leaders and in "some of our nation's most prominent and technologically-advanced medical institutions and schools". I will be able to visit one of eight cities of my choice. The choices are Atlanta, Georgia; Los Angeles, California; Boston, Massachusetts; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; San Francisco, California; Houston, Texas; and Washington, D.C. The trip will last 10 days and I will gain valuable experience in the medical field. I am so excited and grateful to be given this opportunity. This, on top of yesterday's NHS induction, is leaving me feeling very honored.
On the other end of the medical spectrum, I seem to have caught a bad fever. For the second time in the last few weeks, I'm sick. This normally doesn't happen to me. The best I can do right now is deal with it and hope it passes quickly. My empathy goes out to all others who are currently sick.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
On the other end of the medical spectrum, I seem to have caught a bad fever. For the second time in the last few weeks, I'm sick. This normally doesn't happen to me. The best I can do right now is deal with it and hope it passes quickly. My empathy goes out to all others who are currently sick.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
School's artist
Okay, I need some people in my blog thing. I added a new topic and hopefully this will explain this whole "chaotic Dannie thing". I hope that if you read it, you take time to understand it.
For those who don't know, it is on my profile page.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
For those who don't know, it is on my profile page.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
4 more days...
Until the big 15 and the almighty 16 comes around for me and Nathaniel Evans!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
The assignment in Advisory class really got me thinking today. It was about stress and what really pushes your buttons. There were about forty choices and you could even write your own. As people were answering with under twenty answers, I looked and I had around forty five checked. I then begin thinking to myself, I have stress issues that I need to take care of because it not only effects myself, it effects others around as well. Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't fell asleep yet.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
No school for a few days?
I have been hearing rumors that school may be closed for a few days due to a few cases of Swine Flu and an alarming increase of absentees. There were over 100 people yesterday and the school board wants to do a "clean sweep". Basically, they are supposedly planning on closing the school for a few days and disinfecting the whole campus. Which would be pretty dumb because people don't realize that its bad to get rid of every germ. Germaphobes and constant cleaners are actually doing more harm than good! Let me explain. You can't get rid of all of the germs, just the small, weak ones. All the little weak germs are gone now all we have is big strong germs and they can become deadly if combined with each other. Since there are no longer any small ones for them to combine with, the big germs are mixing with big germs. This will cause a super virus! We have no vaccinations for super viruses. I can name a few popular plagues like small pox, valley fever, black fever, West Nile and the good old H1N1. Just wash your hands with a little soap and stay away from a lot of hand sanitizer.
Summer is over!
Goodbye summer, hello fall! Man, summer is out of here and now everything is starting to get colder and colder. Well, a little bit. I wore a jacket today... and flipflops. Not a good combination if you ask me. While my arms were warm from the jacket, my toes were cold all the this morning. I guess that means we better prepare ourselves for a cold winter this year.
Since we are on the topic of fall, what is your favorite thing about the season?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Since we are on the topic of fall, what is your favorite thing about the season?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
More Then The Play
The week almost has come to a close. This time next week Dracula, the play will be featured at the Del Webb Center at 7:00pm. Then again on Saturday at 5:00. All the hard work my castmates and I have drenched into the play will finnaly be worth it.
I am personally excited because my birth father will finnaly be in the audience watching me. Wether or not he will approve a certain scene I must do with a certain boy is another story, but all I have ever wanted was for him to be apart of my life, and he will be that night. It will probally be the best day ever for me. Everything about that day will be perfect.
As soon as the lights hit my face adrenalin will course through my veins and all will be perfect in world. For once, I will actuall smile and not force myself to. For the first time in a long time, when someone asks me if I'm okay, I don't have to lie. I'm actually feeling great! The person I have always wanted to just love me, accept me and be apart of my life is going to be there. You can bet it will be the performance of my life. (Hahaha) I'm only fifteen, but in daddys little girl years, it feels like a whole lot more.
But of course with most things there comes rejection, and dissapointment. So for me to expect the best probally isn't the brightest idea. I should, and I believe more people should,
"expect the worse, and hope for the best." -Erin Biggs (My oldest sister)
She always told me that. She said, "Alex, other people don't define who you are. You do. And Eleanor Roosevelt was right; No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
I suppose they are right. It still doesn't take the pain away, but at least I have what I know for sure:
I am personally excited because my birth father will finnaly be in the audience watching me. Wether or not he will approve a certain scene I must do with a certain boy is another story, but all I have ever wanted was for him to be apart of my life, and he will be that night. It will probally be the best day ever for me. Everything about that day will be perfect.
As soon as the lights hit my face adrenalin will course through my veins and all will be perfect in world. For once, I will actuall smile and not force myself to. For the first time in a long time, when someone asks me if I'm okay, I don't have to lie. I'm actually feeling great! The person I have always wanted to just love me, accept me and be apart of my life is going to be there. You can bet it will be the performance of my life. (Hahaha) I'm only fifteen, but in daddys little girl years, it feels like a whole lot more.
But of course with most things there comes rejection, and dissapointment. So for me to expect the best probally isn't the brightest idea. I should, and I believe more people should,
"expect the worse, and hope for the best." -Erin Biggs (My oldest sister)
She always told me that. She said, "Alex, other people don't define who you are. You do. And Eleanor Roosevelt was right; No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
I suppose they are right. It still doesn't take the pain away, but at least I have what I know for sure:
- I have wonderful and beautiful sisters who will always be there for me,
- Friends that pulled me through some rough times, and the rest to come,
- A mother who acted as a mother and my father cause he wouldn't,
- And hope.
It may not be much, but it has carried me this far.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
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