Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 days and counting

This school year is going by so fast. This Friday marks the end of the first quarter. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I'm just saying that I'm getting into a routine and every time I blink it is new day. The best part, and kind of my only point to this post, is to start the official countdown to Fall Break. Ten days, at least from the time this post was made. This means that we get a whole week off to ourselves with no teachers, tests, or...wait for it...alarm clocks! I still can't believe how fast time has flown by. Before we know it, Homecoming is going to be knocking on our back doors and then Winter Break. Finals come before that, of course. Anyway, I can't until break, and I hope the rest of you have a great one!

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Geometry kills the forests

Yes, Geometry kills the trees. Why? We do proofs, which take up about half the page each. It's a waste of paper resources to have to write out your proof. We should be using valuable paper for something of importance that we will use in our everyday "adult life". I understand that we need to learn logical thinking to help our minds develop. But we wont exist if we have no trees. We need them to breathe. Also, who came with this stuff anyway? Who sat there and made a rule for every single step we take to find a variable? Who has that kind of time to waste? Life only lasts so long so we shouldn't have to waste it doing proofs!

If only I actually had the guts to not do my homework. It's not the 70s so I can't just " Stick to the man". All I am going to do is whine on this blog.

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz


I have no clue why but I feel so confused about everything now. Math, Science, Advisory and Journalism are confusing me so much. It's like one of those times where you don't understand anything. I know what's going on but I just can't comprehend it. It's like my mind blanks out on everything now.

I guess it's because it's Tech Week next week and I gotta stay at school from 4-9 PM.

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Busy busy busy

I have to finish my third story before Friday so Lucy can get it edited, and that in itself will be a task. I've completed a big part of it, but the rest is being tricky. I also have two poems to edit, and decide which one will be put in the paper.

Directly following today's volleyball practice, I will be dressed up and ready to go at the NHS induction ceremony. Homework is piling up this week, and I will have limited time to finish it tonight.

With so much to do, it's a question of whether or not I really need sleep.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Thank you to every one who gave me helpful ideas on how to bring up and keep up my grades yesterday! And the "helpful" advice on my attitude was great too.

Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Deadline for comics

Darn! It's been so long since I have done comics and now I must have one done by this Friday! I haven't done them since sixth grade and it is bugging me. I just hope that whatever I think of, people will hopefully like. Any of you guys have a good idea for me to draw out?

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Does anyone have advice?

If you do, I am looking for it! If you would like to participate in the Advice Column let me know! So far, it is only going to be Megan and myself which is fine, but I just want to extend the opportunity to all of you. So let me know.

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Math sucks

Proofs in Geometry class suck. I mean, I can't even get around what Mr. McDowell is even saying. He'll explain it to us and show us how to do it and I still get confused. Just now, I got help from Mr. Elinski and he actually explained it to the point where I can kind of figure it out. Anyone else have those stupid proofs to work on too?

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I have Mr. Thomas for Chemistry and he is one of the coolest teachers in the world. If he didn't teach the class, it would be at the top of my 'hated subjects' list. He just makes it so much more fun. The man is seriously a genius and he is really nice too. Like today, we did a game to memorize the symbols on the Periodic Table. If we got one of the top four scores in our row, we got our choice of a full sized candy bar or some delicious fruit. A lot of people tied in each row but instead of doing some competition to narrow it down, he gave all of us a prize. All but three people in the class got some.

And all of that came out of Mr. Thomas' own pocket. He deserves a lot of thanks just like the other teachers who use their own hard-earned cash to help us out.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Permit test

So in two weeks I can finally take my permit test but my mom decided last night that I can't take it or drive until I bring up my grades. I have 3 D's and have to bring up two but they are my hardest classes. Any ideas on how I can bring them up?

Shelby Bishop

NHS induction

I found out today, September 29, that I was accepted into the National Honor Society. The induction is this Wednesday Sept. 30 at 6:00 pm in the media center. Congratulations to everybody else who also made it in.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Nothing can keep me away

I was absent yesterday because I was at the hospital, but I'm back at school today to learn this week. If you're wondering how I'm doing, it's not better but also not worse. So I'm hanging in there. I have so much missed work just from one day! Goodness, I need to catch up.

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Is anybody else going to sign up to take them?

Amanda Aliser
wickenburg, Ariz.

Problem Fixed!

Okay, I talked with my dad and the party is now at a time where guests that are going to Nathaniel's that I invited to mine can come.

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Homecoming dresses

Last year I bought a dress I really liked and then never used it again. But this year I, with the help of my grandma, made my dress from scratch. I'm so happy! It turned out great!

Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.


If you would like to be apart of the leadership program Inspiring, Educational, Altruistic, Energizing, Enthusiastic, Motivating, Transforming, Long-Lasting, and Life-Changing

These are some of the words that students, schools, parents, alumni, volunteers and supporters use to describe Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY). What does HOBY mean to you?
Founded in 1958, HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service and innovation. HOBY programs are conducted annually throughout the United States, serving local and international high school students.

HOBY programs provide youth selected by their schools to participate in unique leadership training, service-learning and motivation-building experiences. HOBY also provides adults with opportunities to make a significant impact on the lives of youth by volunteering. Over 4,000 committed HOBY volunteers plan and execute the programs each year, serving both at the local HOBY affiliate level and on HOBY’s Board of Trustees. Due to the selfless efforts of volunteers and the contributions of generous donors, nearly 9,000 students participate in HOBY programs annually.

Today, over 375,000 proud alumni make HOBY stronger than ever. HOBY alumni are leaders in their schools and communities, throughout the United States and the world, making a difference for others through service. Want to see the impact of HOBY firsthand? Get involved as a student, school, parent, alumna/us, volunteer or supporter – simply select the area of your choice.

If you would like to be apart of this please write a paragraph of why you would be perfect to be sponsored by the school and go on this trip. For more info contact Mr. Willis before Thursday.

Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Yes, high school students, life is coming at us pretty fast! This Sunday I attended the Phoenix National College Convention. It was very informative. But what I want to know is what are your top colleges that you want to attend?

My top 5 are:
1) University of Hawaii
2) University of Nevada at Reno
3) Whitmann University
4) Fort Lewis University
5) Penn State

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

He proposed

"Oh my god! Yes!" That's all I could say to the man I love most last night after he got down and proposed to me. It is a little shocking for someone my age but I'm so sure about this one! Guys I'm getting married!

The ring is still in the store being re-sized but I'll have it soon.

Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Party Dilemma

Okay, seriously, my Sweet 16 party is this weekend. I planned on going to Polar Ice rink. I have 15 people I plan to invite. And what happens? Nathaniel (who has the same birthday as me) is having his party on the same Saturday! Some of the people on his list are on my list! I haven't had a birthday party in a while like last year (Alex you remember right?) and I really want to make this special. Now the problem is this; I don't think I can change my party date and neither can Nathaniel. If Nathaniel takes all the people I want to invite, there will only be eight girls and one guy! I hate having a twin!

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

My horrible weekend

Yesterday was not the best day for me. I got woke up a eight in the morning and spent 6 hours at the hospital because my great-grandfather is intensive care. When my aunt woke me up she said "If you want to say goodbye to your great-grandfather you better get up because if you don't you won't get the chance." My grandfather is dying. They have him on a breathing machine. They also have him on a lot of medicine to keep him from hurting. The whole time I was there, I never saw him open his eyes. He would smile at us but that was it. He could hear us talking to him and then when we had to leave I grabbed his hand and told him goodbye. Today I wrote him a poem. It's called "Don't want to have to say Goodbye". I just hope that he can stay alive for a few more months or years but I don't think that's going to happen.

Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Stay away

I might be coming down with something and it has gotten so much worse in the past three hours. So I would recommend staying away from me. The nurse wanted to send me home but there was no way of that happening because I had no ride home. You have all been warned.

Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Car wash a sudsess

Weary from washing, rinsing and drying cars and trucks for three hours, these loyal and dedicated members of the Wrangler News Club finish their final vehicle. With additional help from volunteers Rebecca Kehoe and Dylan Prevost, the fundraiser at Safeway Plaza on Saturday brought in some additional monies that will be used to enhance the club's next venture.

The kind and accommodating staff at Safeway provided hoses, buckets, soap, sponges and a step-ladder for those extra-high SUVs. Mike, the manager on duty, took this picture.

Thanks to all who showered the club with their soapport.

R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz

Grade night gets an A+

Hundreds of students and parents showed up for WHS' best ever parent/teacher grade night.

Many waited in line to visit their most/least favorite teachers to check grades, performance and behavior.

Others simply wanted to meet their child's teacher. Many teachers spent two hours non-stop sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly with parents and guardians.

Refreshments were provided by Mrs. Walters' marvelous culinary arts students. (photo by Emily Prevost)

Rick Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz

Friday, September 25, 2009

Keeping in touch

Hello, staff.

I would like to introduce you to something that I think we could make very good use of. From Google, we can have an on-line access to all of our journalism documents. Editors could look at your stories while you're writing them. Edits and re-writes could take place immediately from anywhere. We could all stay home and...oops; I'm getting carried away.

Take a look at what Google Docs is all about, and let me know if you think this is something that might work for our paper, please.

Also, as we become more and more media driven, we might want to have someone take the lead as a media "czar." This would be a position that keeps on top of what other journalism students and high school newspaper courses are using on-line. Facebook? Twitter?

Thank you,

R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz

Crazy Thursday

Everyone came up to me asking me to beat box. Now my throat hurts, but it was fun.

Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.

This weekend

This weekend is our car wash! Saturday, September 26th. It's going to be taking place in the Safeway Plaza at 8:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. So tell everyone to come and get their cars washed! If you would like to give a helping hand, come help. They need all the help they can get.

Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz

Too much

How much is too much? I have no idea. I'm so swamped all the time. I'm being smothered by homework, friends, my disastrous love life (if you could call it that), my family, Thespian things and the weight of decisions I have to make for college. I just really don't know what to do anymore. I just want to scream and break things but everyone is insisting that I need to keep it together. But honestly, how can you keep it together when the seams are unraveling? My little fortress is coming down brick by brick and it scares me. It's been up for so long, I'm convinced when the wall does come down, there will be no putting it back up. I don't know why I'm writing this. I'm not looking for advice or sympathy, I guess I'm just trying to get credit for this week while venting a little. Which is very odd because when it comes to things like this, I'm a very private person. I don't know really what to do or say anymore. I'm just done. I quit. Fin.

Janaye Campbell
Wickeburg, Ariz.

Car wash

The day is quickly approaching. Tomorrow in the Safeway parking lot at 8:00 a.m. there will be a car wash held. I unfortunately will not be able to attend it, but I do however, encourage anybody within the journalism class to go and participate. The money raised will be going towards our journalism class/writer's club, for upcoming events, t-shirts, and other field trips that we may take in the future. So if you know anyone who has a dirty car, or just wants to donate a few dollars towards the fund, tell them to show up!

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz


Oh my God, guys, the AIMS test is in less than five weeks! I'm stressing already. I hope I pass so I don't have to take it again. I'm freaking out here!

Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Native Sign

I made a native sign. It is really sick. Come check it out.

Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.

My weekend

This weekend I am going to spend a lot of time reading. I want to try and finish the book that I have been reading. Then I'm going to work on my poems and my story. I also hope that I will get to see my grandma and my great-great grandpa. He is still really sick. I just hope that he will get better soon. I really want him to pull through. I just hope that he will hold on just a little bit longer.

Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Man, I hate stress! I got so much of it yesterday. First from my sister acting like a big jerk just like she did two days ago. I can't stand her. And then my dad started to yell at me because of one stupid thing that I had done. Also, when did I become the person who everyone takes their anger out on? What is wrong with my life? I just want everyone to stop.

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Grade night was ridiculous

Yesterday after a long day at school it was finally time to go home. Well it takes me about an hour and a half to get home. (I live in surprise) When I got home, not even a minute after stepping in the door, my mom says "Ok put your stuff away were going to grade night." I seriously almost cursed up a storm. After another long drive back to school, we went inside the cafe and barely any of my teachers were there. They lost my progress report, and I didn't even get to try a cookie! Needless to say, it sucked.

Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.


For those of you who attended grade night last night, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Last night our school decided set up all the teachers in the cafe for everybody to meet. It seemed like it would be a great idea until all the parents showed up. There were lines going in all directions to see teachers. So as the title implies it was packed! Many teachers have said that they were surprised that so many parents actually showed up. But it wasn't a bad thing by any means.

Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School affected

I have been hit by the rush of homework and stress. I have a lot on my plate, and I suppose it's my own fault for trying to make the whole world happy. (Which by the way is impossible, but I seem to keep forgetting.)
But I think I like the fact that I'm busy. School is very annoying sometimes. It always has been. But it keeps me focused on important things, academically speaking. During the summer I hate life and I am my most depressed. It is all because I'm thinking, well over thinking about things that bring stress into my life. Like family issues, teenage issues and many other problems. School is my outlet. I don't know where I'd be without it.
So thank you to the teachers, thank you to the entire faculty. I know that you are the reason I don't blow my head off. Sometimes it does become too much to handle, and sometimes I just want to give up but then I look around and see all the things worth going after. There are so many beautiful things in life worth falling for. I may not fully understand what life is for or what I'm supposed to do with it but what I do understand for sure is that it is not meant to be wasted. How could someone waste life? Look outside your window right now.T his world is so amazing. Crazy yes, but still absolutely incredible. I think that is the best word for the world; incredible. Then you start talking about the universe. Ha, I'm not even going to go there.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.


The hype of The Beatles has hit a new high. Although Rockband: The Beatles did soar high in sales, it did not beat out Guitar Hero. But the fire is still burning and people are still trying to get a hold of the game.
So did you love the Beatles before the hype? Most people haven't even heard of them until this age where retro is cool. And that means The Beatles,
The Monkeys, Pink Floyd, and Iron Butterfly, your basic 60-70's bands, are back in style.
Is it a fashion statement to wear one of their tees, or have their hair? Statistics say yes.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Permit time

In around three weeks, I'll be able to get my driver's permit. I asked my mom today if she could pick up the study packet for me. Hopefully I will be on the road soon. So watch out; Lucy Randazzo is coming to a street near you.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

This week

So this week is taking forever. It seems more so since I have rodeo this weekend.

Question: How do people manage sports, school, rodeo and find time friends?
Answer: I guess they give up their hobbies and friends.

Question: In Journalism class what is out point?
Answer: You tell me.

Question:Why does one person think they know it all and try to do it all by themselves?
Answer: You tell me.

Question: Why do people with no leadership skill go into leadership positions?
Answer: You tell me.

Can you answer my questions?

Bailey Gonzalez
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Two more weeks

I'll turn 16 yrs old! Man, I'm so excited for my birthday for a couple reasons. One, I have a "twin" to share it with (not really my twin but still). Two, I have a huge plan for my party. Three, my birthday is on Tech Week for Dracula. And finally, I'm just happy to be turning one year older.

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Homecoming dates

Why does everyone put so much importance on finding a homecoming date? I am not going to lie, it would be nice to have one. But there is no reason to think something is wrong with you just because you don't have a date. Plus its a little to early to be worrying about this. The dance is in the end of October and it's still September! Have fun finding your dream date everyone. I wish you the best of luck!

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Middle of the week

It's the middle of the week but it actually feels like Monday. I'm so tired and I just want school to be done with and everything! Who else feels the same way?

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Algebra II retake test today

After school today is the only time anyone who wants to retake the Algebra II Unit One Test will be able to. Lots of people have been seen on campus this morning in Ms. Webb's classroom seeking last minute help before the big retake. During Advisory period today, the seats were overflowing with people frantically struggling to master the skill of factoring. For some, it seemed like they were more confident leaving the classroom than when had entered, and for others, let's just hope for the best.

Some good news about this test is that if you completed one hour of tutoring on correcting your test and have the corrections neatly written out to turn in, then instead of receiving only 75% at most, you receive the grade you get. Also, if by some bizarre chance that you do worse on the retake than the original test, than you receive the higher grade out of the two.

I wish everyone the best of luck for those who are retaking the test!

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moving forward

After being sorely disappointed about my interview being delayed, I stumbled upon a bit of luck. One of my classmates in Advisory (who shall remain nameless, upon her request) is a member of the Student Coucil. She provided me with almost everything that I need to know for my homecoming article, plus a very interesting story about the tradition here in Wickenburg. I got a couple new leads that are sure to go somewhere. I can tell that this story is going to be great! I'm getting very interested in it myself. In any case, it will be much better than I originally thought it would be. I have an interview tomorrow, September 24. After that, I'll start writing it all up and it should be done before the deadline. I have no delays on my hands. It feels great to be moving forward.

A position I would really like to fill is the poems manager. In my opinion, I have a lot of experience working with poetry, and it truly is one of my deepest passions. I would love a chance to read others' work. Also, I wouldn't mind discriminating which ones to put in the paper as well as editing. If anyone is opposed to me taking this position, or you would like to help, please let me know. Don't be afraid to offer suggestions and/or comments, either.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Is this love?

I don't know. I feel so different now. There's this guy who is an awesome friend and I really think I like-like him. I'm not sure if he likes me back, but he just gives off that vibe, you know? I realize I have a reason to go to school now. There's this crazy, bubbly, warm, irresistable feeling that happens to me everytime I'm around him. It's like if I'm away from him for too long, I will almost collapse. Can anyone shine some truth or opinion into this please?

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

I'm back

So yesterday I did not come to school. Even though people swear they saw my, they didn't. I'm back and ready to catch up on my school work. I have an interview tomorrow, so excited wish me luck.

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Advice Column

If anyone would like to be a part of Dear Jeanie this year please let me know.

Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Time, yes, that is what I am looking for. There are never enough hours in the day anymore. Everyday it is usually the same agenda. I get up, get ready and head out the door around 7:25 to head to WHS. Then, usually every morning, I have a club meeting or I do an independent study with a teacher. (A.K.A study) As the rest of the day continues, I go through school like anyone else would. As soon as the bell rings at 3:05 I head straight home to take my online senior classes. Until about 5:00 pm, I have Government honors and A.P English. Shortly after, I do any homework I was given that night or I study for a quiz or test. After assessing all my school work, I go play some basketball and workout. You could say by the end of the day, I'm pretty pooped. That doesn't even included activities that I participate in after or outside of school. All I would like is for a few extra hours in the day. Who wouldn't?

Hannah Buff
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Exciting news

As much as I regret using this as a "personal" blog site, I'm exceptionally excited over a couple events in my family. I recently found out that my older cousin, Lisa, is going to have a baby. The little bundle of joy is due in May, which coincidentally is the month I was born in. Another cousin of mine, Krystena, also has good news. On June 5, 2010, five days after my birthday, she is getting married. No points for guessing who gets to be a bridesmaid (yours truly). Lisa will be the maid of honor and my little sister, Melodie, will be the flower girl. The reception will be held in Houston, Texas.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Megan and I where supposed to work on our interviews today but she isn't here.

Shelby Bishop

Monday thoughts

"I wake up at 8:30 go to school at 12:00, get home about 6. My life is pretty cherry!" said Sarah Keanini.

In the above quote, Sarah Keanini, a sophomore at Tolleson High School, talks about the belated schedule her school offers to students in University High. The program is for young college bound students to help them get through basic high school classes faster so that they can get college credits. The program also runs from 12:00pm to 5:30pm. So the question is should our school also offer a program like this? Tell me what you think.

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Television schedule

I don't know about you, but I've always hated the fact that during the summer there are no new television shows on. Now, I want to take that all back. This week, there are a whole bunch of new seasons starting. "House", for one, is having a two hour season premiere starting at seven tonight. "The Mentalist" and "NCIS" are also starting up. "Bones" is doing its second episode of the season. I barely have time to do homework, let alone watch my favorite television shows. I miss being a couch potato.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Great, the week

I can't out run these deadlines forever I guess. My story is coming along but it is kind of hard to finish when most of it is on my computer at home and I'm locked out of my house for a week. But that's just fine. Nothing wrong with doing things the old fashioned way!

Things are starting to fall back into place and stress levels are slowly but surely lowering. Not being at home helps a little. It almost feels like I'm on vacation. I'll tell you one thing though, not having my grandma on my back about coming home and doing homework is really odd. My nights and weekends are left wide open. And what a weekend it was! It was my friend's 18 birthday on Saturday, so needless to say it was a crazy couple of days. But it is time to get back into "school mode" and focus again. Ugh, I hate Mondays.

Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Minor setback

Today, September 21, I was supposed to interview Mrs. Meyers regarding the homecoming story. I showed my pass to my Advisory teacher and headed off to Meyers' classroom. Upon arriving, however, she informed me that there is no way the interview could be held this week. She says she is simply overwhelmed.

Hopefully, we can arrange to hold the interview sometime next week. It will definitely be a setback, since the deadline, October 2, is a week from this Friday. On the other hand, I now have more time to think of good questions.

I'll find other ways to stay busy. I still want to interview a couple freshmen, and other students. Also, I just might try to whip out a poem. I'm hoping that I can find the time and inspiration to publish one of my works into the paper. On that note, if any of you have suggestions for a poem, or something you would like to see written, drop me a comment. I'm open to ideas, especially since I have few of my own at the moment.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Hey guys

Goood morning Journalism!

Yeah I know I'm not there at school but I am here in blogspot. Clever, isnt' it? Alright, tell me what what is going on so I know what everyone is saying. Or how about just tell me what is being told today? Think that will help? Okay? Okay.

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

My weekend

My weekend was good, I guess. I found out that my grandma fell down when she was at her dad's house taking care of him. She hit her head and her stomach. Even though she is in pain, she is being stubborn and won't go to the hospital. I still haven't heard anything from my dad. I also got to talk to one of my friends that graduated from here last year last night, so that was cool. I also found out that my cousin hurt her wrist when she was at work last night. So altogether I think my weekend was okay but not the best.

Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why am I here?

I ask that all the time. I never really understand what my purpose in life is. I'm not sure if it is to just be myself and help others or whatever. But I just don't know. Although life comes at me way too quickly with a hot iron stake in it's way; what am I to do? Step aside and let someone else be burned or take the heat and prevent my friends from getting hurt who are next in line? The answer is no. I wouldn't let my friends get hurt. I would do anything for them.

But seriously, I can't get over what have I done to make this world better. I see the world as an opportunity to make a change and see what the results are. If you see the world the way like I do, then hopefully you understand what I'm saying. Again, I'm just one person and that is hard to make something come out. So my main question is: what have I done in this world that is worth it? The reason why I ask this is because sometimes when I am with my friends, I feel as if no matter what I do, I can't help them. And what I do say to my friends, it seems to me that I say it the wrong way and they think I'm only friends with them for the benefits I get from. I truly hope that they understand that I don't look for friends like that. I would never take them for granted at all.

So the big question for me to ponder is this; why am I here and what have I brought to the people around me? What have I done to change their lives if I have?

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Varsity football game

Okay, for anyone who wasn't there, I'll tell it to you straight; Wranglers won 44-6 against Colorado River Dust Devils. The Devils had one touchdown and a blocked field goal! The show choir did really great for the national anthem accompanied by the band. Zoo Crew was loud and crazy as they cheered on the Wranglers. They helped everyone in the stands do the "wave" and get their energy up. And during half-time, Brandon Soto played a small bit of Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" with Mrs. Cleveland, the choir director, singing some of it.

Well that's all folks!

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Interview illness

My interview with Mr. Booth will start Wednesday 23. I'm pulling Shelby's ear to get this done correctly. I have a great feeling about this and will be unhappy if my best friend lets me down. Grades are important and she better not switch out. Okay, the point is I have a good feeling about this book story. Take lead man, be proud. I still love her though. Let's do our best Shelly bean.

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Volleyball game

So last night at the volley ball game JV lost, but Varsity creamed Wrublik's team just as Hannah said they would! Good game ladies. Keep up the good work!

Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.

For some odd reason

I feel so obsessed with the craziest things that I love. I bet only Kyle would know. Maybe Alex too but that's about it. I'm not going to say what it is, but I just want to get it out there. Anyhow, this class is going really well. I love to communicate with all the "employees" here and share all the stories that we are working on. And as for what I have now, I hope Hannah liked my interview. More will be coming as soon as possible, I promise. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Cooking for a grade

I don't know about any of you guys, but those in Professional Foods get the pleasure of cooking and more or less baking during class. I am extremely excited to be able to cook during class while getting a grade for it! And you get to eat it too.

Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Friday slump

Normally at this time of the week I am rather ecstatic to be going to hula and just generally starting my weekend. But today is a blah day. I don't have any contacts, so if I run into you in the halls, I apologize in advance.

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Having fun

I found this speech thing on my computer, and I'm having a lot of fun. You should check it out.

Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Spelling people

I would really appreciate if you guys would use the spell check option. It is between your title and the actual body of your posts. I know it is my job to check the blogs, but it is getting difficult to keep up with my own posts and editing everyone else's. Just using that spell check option definitely cuts the time down. Don't forget to put your name at the bottom. I don't know how to spell some people's last names. Thank you.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.


So tonight I hope we cream Wrublik's team! It will be the most intense game for the season of 2009-2010 for the simple reason that Mr. Wrublik used to be the Varsity coach of the WHS volleyball team. We are hoping to come out with a victory and show Wrublik how much we've changed after his absence. This will be a success.

Hannah Buff
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Giving up

It has been a rough couple of weeks for me. My dad has still not wrote us and I'm actually thinking about just giving up on him. I know that might sound harsh because he's my father but he doesn't act like one anymore. So I'm just going to stop hoping that he will write. I'm just going to focus on my school work and get good grades. I feel like he abandoned his family. So I'm not going to keep wishing that he will care enough about us to write us. I'm just going to give up on him for good.

Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Deadlines, dances and deliberations

All re-writes are due tomorrow, September 18, and the final deadline is two weeks following that. I hope you all have your stories written and edited. Re-writing was the easy part for me, and I hope it is for you too.

I am also deciding whether or not to pursue a second story. Homecoming will be held a couple weeks after our first issue comes out, so I would like to write about that. Many people I know are excited about the dance, and then of course there's the game.

On the other hand, I'm not positive that I can get it finished and edited in time. I have to find time to interview Mrs. Meyers, some freshmen, and anybody else that might contribute to the story in any way. I wish I had time to think about if I had time to do it, but I just don't have that time. I'll have to decide pretty soon.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Volleyball Game

There is a game tonight and I can't wait! My best friend is playing for JV and another for Varsity and I can't wait to see them play. Is anyone else going tonight?

Shelby Bishop

News story

I'm going write a story about the reservation. Hopefully everyone will read it.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Busy work

Lately I haven't been posting like I need to be, but I'm back on track. For everyone in the newspaper, most of you have a story and are working on them. Some people have even taken on more than one article. If I haven't assigned one to you, please come ask me for a story, write one up yourself or give it to me. Make sure that you get it edited by Lucy. Also, I've had people ask me about great story ideas, so if you have one, just run it by me or Mr. Burd and we'll be happy to approve it. Keep up the hard work everyone.

Hannah Buff
Wickenburg, Ariz.

First Varsity home football game

Our very own Varsity football team is playing their first home game on September 18, 2009. WHS will be facing River Valley. So go and support your fellow Wranglers in their quest for victory because their next home game won't until October 9, 2009.

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz


I find it a little difficult to keep up with these blogs. Mainly because most of things happening in my life are either boring or just don't need to be shared with the public. Actually, a lot of the things I have going on right now are being shared to the public, just not by me. That's the issue. Don't you just love high school drama? I find it amazing that I've been successfully able to stay out of drama for my entire high school career and my senior year it all comes pouring down at once. Oh well. That's life. Anyway, back to the blogging issue. I'm going to be more active on here starting today. I just had a lot of cards in my hand I was trying to shuffle and blogging was just kind of pushed to the back. But after rearranging my deck and dropping some cards all together, I think I'll be able to more effectively work on my blogs. Hopefully. I'll just have to see what kind of hand God deals me next week.

Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Wow... the first issue is coming out soon. I am just about ready to edit my article from the wonderful Hannah. Turned out there were a few mistakes and some things that needed to be added in. That is really good for me and now I can learn from it.

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Marvelous Day.

Today is just absolutely amazing! My interview with Mr. Booth starts Wednesday and I can't wait.
I still have to interview Caitlin. If only she would stay in one spot!

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

News Club meeting

Today we completed our third meeting! We are slowing getting things organized and moving forward. Today we discussed getting a fundraising chairmen; someone who will organize fundraisers and get everything approved properly. The car wash is September 26 in front of Safeway. It's from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. So come and support your club!

Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz.

A little cheesed off

Well, I was on a roll typing my one of a kind article. I had spent about three or fours days on it and I had finally finished it! But when I tried logging onto my account yesterday, it turns out that "my desktop was lost" so, i lost everything. All that almost perfect work just lost, poof, gone, just like that.

Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Well I feel like today is Monday. I went home sick after second hour Monday and wasn't here at all yesterrday. I still don't feel good but am glad to be back at school.

Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.

This Week

Its only Wednesday and I'm already so tired. I want to get a break from school. Just think, we are half way through the quarter! This week is very long and I've got tests all week. This is where I go pass out because my allergies got my tonsils going off again. Please week just go by really fast!

Bailey Gonzalez
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We are so lucky

Publisher of the Wickenburg Sun, Kevin Cloe, took time out of his busy schedule to show the WHS journalism class the various workings of his newspaper production.

"I started out just like you," Cloe said. He was a sports reporter in his high school journalism class.

He is shown here, in his building by the train tracks, near the end of the tour last Thursday. Cloe introduced his staff to the class and explained the relevance of each member's contribution. (photo by Kirk Hill)

"In journalism, beware of creative writing." Cloe told the class. "Don't lose focus of the facts," he said. Good advice from a great newsman.

R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Terrific Tuesdays!

It is only the begining of our week but it feels like it should be over. For all of you with Mr. Myer's biology class I know that you crammed/studied last night for the periodic table test. I also heard that some chemistry classes are taking the same test. Well, good luck to all of you! Also I know that our lovely carwash is coming up soon. If you are going I will have a sign up sheet available at tomorow morning's meeting. I hope you all have a great day!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Dracula Rehearsals

Yep, these are some of the crazy vampire clowns in our play! Just kidding! Before we rehearse, we always have some time to relax and chill and let loose. Yesterday was Act Three, the ending of our wonderful and thrilling play. (And no, I'm not going to say what happens.) When we are acting, we study hard and listen to our castmates so that we can get in the act. But of course, we're kids, we tend to goof off, such as in this picture. In this picture, our own Amanda Aliser poses for the picture with Hunter Wilkes, Andrea Sopher and Shannon Kehoe.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Juniors, seniors and other test-takers, does this look like a story for somebody? SAT tests, what do they mean?

Rick Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Field trip

Okay you know our field trip last Thursday?
Yeah, I know, we all must think back to almost a week ago. Terrible, just terrible!
Anyway, I had a lot of fun during the whole thing; I learned a lot about journalism and snapped some great action pictures of what was going on.
Of course, there was the occasional person who wanted to take my camera and smash it, our resident red head.
But I'm hoping that some of the pictures will be in the newspaper so that we can show the school what we did and what we learned from the whole experience.

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Germs galore

It's a well known fact among the students that there has been a rather early out break of germs going around the school. People are coughing, sneezing and sniffling their way through class. Most just say that it's allergies but I tend to think otherwise. It's kind of weird actually, the cold season usually doesn't start until mid October. Well, just as a little reminder, remember to wash your hands before you eat, or at least more frequently, and to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing.

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz

Ideas for the paper

I think that having crosswords or comics would be a great idea. Honestly, I only ever read the newspaper for those two things. I would go and do it myself, but I don't have the time to do it between editing online posts and editing the articles that will be coming soon.

The "Dear Jeanie" column last year was good too. I think that we should continue it. How did we get the questions to be answered last year? A group of people should be in charge of it so they can check each other's advice so as not to totally mess up.

And please remember to do your proper signature at the end of a post. No text lingo, smilies or partial text color changes either. We are trying to make this paper uniform. Thank you.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Story # 2

I don't know about anybody else, but I'm quite excited for Homecoming. So excited, in fact, that I would like to do a story on it. Just the basic information since the paper comes out prior to it. I have the first draft of my first story done and hopefully the re-write won't be too hard or take too long. I'll start looking into it this week, because I'm sure many people will read it. If I have the time and enough material to write a short informative piece, I'll get cracking on it pretty soon.

Any suggestions, comments or questions? How do you feel about Homecoming? Should I do the story? Let me know.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Anyone up for some advice?

Alright, I do believe we should include an advice column this year. Last year I would hear people talking about the advice the writer had given them and I think we should take a step forward and have new ideas for that. I would be more than happy to respond to the students' questions. Ask anything or even write your opinion down, I'll always have something to say.

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.

The Art of War Essays

The essays are due today.
Thats right sophomores in Mr. Booth's World History class, it's time to turn in those essays on either "The Art of War" or :"Abraham"... But alas, about 75% of us do not have enough pages to get an A+. Kudos to Caitlin Farrington for doing it right. I wish you all luck!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Lightning picture

This sucker was from the small storm Saturday night. I was outside for 30 minutes trying to take some good photos of the lightning. All of them except this was an epic failure. But thankfully, I got lucky and got this baby!
How's that for photography??
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our marvelous staff

Greetings, staff members. Unfortunately, I will not be in school Monday. Instead, I will be...well, indisposed. Please follow directions of Mr. Rauh, our guest teacher. He is a delightful person, and he might be a good person for someone to interview.

If you have not already done so, please fill out the interview questionnaire in the textbook. We will exchange them on Tuesday.

Also, we need a bit of assistance on two or three items:
  1. Press passes. I know Bailey has been working on them. How close to finished are we?
  2. A staff page, also known as a masthead, which has a list of the paper's vital statistics. Look at page A-4 in the Wickenburg Sun as an example.
  3. Hannah has the ability to upload any article, photo, news and other information to our on-line newspaper.
  4. I have e-mailed Hannah's user-name and password to her. She can start posting articles on our school newspaper at Very cool.
  5. A calendar of events. I think Caitlin was keeping one. Make sure we know what is going on in the month of October, when our paper comes out. Someone(s) could check with Mrs. Myers to see what student council has planned for homecoming.
  6. Can someone do a crossword puzzle for the paper? Comics? Opinion piece? Should we have these?
  7. Should we have an "advice column" this year?
  8. Perhaps someone could interview our new superintendent?
  9. Tamara Thomas, the Sun editor, can visit our class on Thursday (not Tuesday) after school. She will go over design and editing. This would be great for anyone, but especially for the editors.
  10. We are only three weeks from deadline!!! It's crunch time. Please make sure Hannah has enough interesting material to fill 12 pages.
Thanks for all you do,

Mr. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz

Friday, September 11, 2009

An exhausting week

Lately, I've been feeling like there are not enough hours in the day. This week, my homework kept piling up, along with projects, story first drafts, and the NHS application I needed to fill out. With away volleyball games on both Tuesday and Thursday, I was left with one full day and Friday for my last two classes. Those also happen to be two of the hardest-- Algebra II and Spanish II. On Thursday, I had to leave halfway through the Algebra II test, and I had to study 36 vocabulary words this week for a Spanish II test on Friday. Since I had only one day in Spanish this week, excluding the day of the test, I was forced to cram as much information into my head as I could.

I barely finished my homework for all classes every day this week. Even though I worked on the bus ride to games, during Varsity games, in class, and at home, I was staying up later and later, leaving me exhausted the following day. For instance, I got back home from the volleyball game at about 11:00 pm Thursday night, and was awake until 2:00 am working on my story, homework, and the NHS application (all due the next day). Then I woke up around 6:00 am, leaving me with about four hours of sleep. The lack of sleep is certainly not helping my cold at all. My immune system is begging for a rest, but my schoolwork says otherwise.

I wish I could say I'll use this weekend as a time for relaxation and catching up on my sleep, but that's not the case. I have yet another away volleyball game on Saturday, which will last most of the day, seeing as it's in Williams. Not to mention that every minute of spare time I have will be spent on weekend homework, studying, and, of course, the book report for World History Honors. Looks like a fun few days ahead...

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

First drafts

Today we are supposed to have our first drafts in to Hannah and saved on a flash drive. Luckily for me, I finished my article last week. Next week will mean a lot of work for me, seeing as I'm copy editor. Hope you have a great weekend.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Eight years ago

September 11, 2001. I can't believe our nation's capitol tragedy happened so long ago and we are still over fighting over it. In first hour we watched what happened that day. I'm not going to lie; it made me think how sad it was and still is to this day. I mean eight years ago and just think it is still effecting us. I do have to say we are a pretty amazing country! It makes me realize that this country of ours has came so far in history. We really have accomplished a lot of good and made it through the really rough and tough times!

Bailey Gonzalez
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Red Friday.

So today I'm decked out in red for no apparent reason. I'm also extremely happy. I'm not sure what's going on today, but what I do know is I'm not going home after school. Goodness, I'm in such a great mood looking forward to seeing my boyfriend after a long week. What are you doing over the weekend?

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Wickenburg Sun

Yesterday we took a field trip to the Wickenburg Sun. There, I learned more about how a newspaper is put together. There are many different processes that go into make a newspaper. There is the editior, writers and advertisment people that go in to making a paper. I also learned that it takes time and hard work to make sure that the paper is the best it can be. None of the jobs are easy; they all take hard work. Going and seeing all of the differnet jobs makes me think that maybe I will go to college in hope to have a career in Journalism.

Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Finally Friday

It is finally Friday. Even though we had a shorter week than usual it seemed like an eternity. Field trips, tests, spelling words, skits. It's like the teachers decide to pile everything in a short week rather than a regular sized one. I know that I had an elephant sized load of homework this week. Did anyone else feel overwhelmed?

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Seeing red marks.

I finished the incredibly rough draft of my very first article for the Wrangler Gazette. My story on the wetlands has been a bumpy start to the beginning of the school year.

And for the record, my article at this very moment is what I would consider awesome if it wasn‘t for the AP style. Apparently, there are a lot more rules in Mr. Burd’s bible to journalism than I thought. I'm used to seeing red marks scribbled all over something I’ve written out roughly, but still, it kind of bites the big one. Though I guess I should get used to it. You see, since the fifth grade, I have wanted to make writing my career, whether I work as a journalist or in a publishing house. Preferably, I'd rather see my own creations pressed, bound, and sitting on the shelves collecting dust. Unfortunately not many literary agents take a teenager’s writing seriously, or expect it to be any good, so I might just have to wait a while to become a published author.

Anyways, I had a point in writing this entry. Like I was saying, my article is more on the creative writing style to my dismay, or at least the beginning and the end are, so that isn’t too bad. It should be a quick fix…I hope. AP styled writing is not really my thing, not yet at least. I’m hoping that by the time the deadline for the next article rolls around, my brain will have grasped that there is a time to be creative and then there’s a time to just state the facts. But, breaking old habits is hard, so I’ll just apologize now to our copy editor, Lucy, for the upcoming battle with my style of writing. And I promise to work on my AP style.

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Tour of the Wickenburg Sun

Today's field trip to the Wickenburg Sun put our whole newspaper into a lot better perspective for me. I thought writing a single article every couple of weeks was bad, but most of the members of the Sun's staff had to write one to three a week! They all seemed to communicate so well with each other. No wonder they had so many first place awards all over the place.

Hearing what Tamara Thomas said about being an editor also helped me a lot. I've been worried about how far I should go with the editing of the articles online and in the paper. She clarified for me that if necessary, I can change whole sentence structure or order. I hope I won't find any articles that are so bad they can't be fixed but I know what to do if that happens.

All in all, the experience was awesome.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is the second time this week that I slept bad. Two nights ago, it was because of a sore throat and now. I had a stuffy nose and now I feel so congested. I think it's allergies or something. My sinuses are just going haywire right now and I think it's causing this small headache I've got. Anyone else feel the same as me?

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cronkite director visits WHS

The director of the Institute of High School Journalism at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU will visit Mr. Burd's journalism class Wednesday. Anita Luera, who has been one of the most important links between ASU's Cronkite School of Journalism and Arizona high schools, will bring her many years of newsroom expertise with her as she addresses the enthusiastic school newspaper staff.

Luera was instrumental in the establishment and successful implementation of the Reynolds High School Journalism Institute which brings 35 high school journalism teachers to ASU each summer for an intensive two-week program.

Luera is a dedicated educator and journalist. Wickenburg High School is honored to have her.

Rick Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Twister at lunch?

For reasons unknown to many, students participated in a competitive game of Twister at lunch on Thursday, September 3. Although amusing, the activity showed no apparent cause. Who organized it? Does it benefit anything? What is the point?

The same can be asked of the water balloon toss, held the day prior to Twister. Both events appeared to have been set up by the same group of people, which raises more questions as to the purpose. If their only aim was to entertain students, then they certainly acheived this.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Rodeo queen

So here is my spill on the latest. I'm the new Cave Creek Fiesta Days Teen Queen. I'm so happy and excited. I'm seriously excited about my new title. I can't wait for my days as Miss Rodeo Arizona and as Miss Rodeo America. One thing i have learned from doing my rodeo queen career is that dreams do come true! Look out world, Bailey Gonzales is on the loose with her goals in sight!

Bailey Gonzales
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Three day weekend

How the three days of freedom? Well I was free. I'm not sure how your parents handle you. I spent all of Friday in Wickenburg with my wonderful boyfriend. Saturday was spent cleaning with Mom. Sunday, even more cleaning with mom and did a little shopping. Finally Monday-Labor Day, the "wonderful boyfriend" was with me shopping. How boring do guys find shopping with a girl? Give me an honest man's opinion please!

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.

First interview

Okay, today is my first interview with Mrs. Lutz. Oh man, I'm so excited and nervous. I hope that I picked the right questions and that my note taking skills will work for me on this slow Tuesday. I know I shouldn't worry too much but you know it's human to worry. I gotta take a deep breath and be prepared. Wish me luck you guys!

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

The long weekend

My weekend was great! I went camping with my family and my best friend. We were like 12 miles outside of Flagstaff. Friday it rained all day and the rest of the weekend was just cloudy . So how was everyone else's weekend?

Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Tired Tuesday

Today feels like Monday. I'm so dang tired. The weekend was okay except for the laundry....and cleaning up for the party yesterday. It was the slowest weekend I have ever been through. Hopefully by the end of today I will be able to focus... (Oh crud...I forgot about that stupid permission slip! See? I'm not focused!) I need to see a specialist. Is there one open in the house?

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

My terrible weekend

This weekend sucked for me. I spent a lot of my time waiting to see if my dad wrote. He didn't; no surprise there. He never writes anymore. But I did write a poem over the weekend about my dad. It is called "I Hate It". It just talks about how disappointed I am in him. I also realized that I lost all of my letters that he wrote me so I was very upset. I'm going to try and find the letters when I go home today.So that is pretty much what I did over the weekend.

Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Controvery erupts over Obama speech

President Barack Obama is scheduled to give a live (streaming video) speech to every school in the U.S. on Tuesday. There has been an outcry from many parents and conservative groups across the nation who are concerned that the speech is more political than educational.

Arizona's Department of Education Superintendent Tom Horne has expressed his concerns on the department's Web site.

Horne stated:
“An important part of educating students is to teach them to read and listen critically. The White House materials call for a worshipful, rather than critical approach to this speech. For example, the White House communication calls for the students to have “notable quotes excerpted (and posted in large print on the board),” and for the students to discuss “How will he inspire us,” among other things. There is nothing in these White House materials about approaching the speech critically, or engaging in any critical thinking whatsoever, but only adopting a reverent approach to everything they are being told.”

Horne added: “In general, in keeping with good education practice, students should be taught to read and think critically about statements coming from politicians and historical figures.”

At WHS, there were many phone calls this week from students' parents who were also opposed to the viewing of the president's speech. Since our Internet service, however, does not allow for streaming video, the speech will not be delivered "live," if at all.

Guidelines for activities before, during and after the speech on September 8 can be found here.

Rick Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day Monday.

So we are having a three day weekend. How fun should that be? It should be a good day off of school, time to get work done and finish assignments you "forgot" to do. Oop's, it's happened to everyone right? So tell me what your weekend contains and how it goes! Make it a story to tell when we come on Tuesday. I would love to hear about it.

Remember to always smile.

Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.


So being an early graduate, I have so many things to do. For instance, taking my two senior classes online, which I was fully aware of, so I'm taking it one day at a time! Doing projects for clubs and huge art assignments. For F.I.D.M, they send me projects once a month to finish. The latest project due September 15. Getting a fashion club organized next week with Mrs. Jacobson and Mrs. Myers! Hopefully it will be a great turnout; Danitza and I are totally stoked about it and I get a scholarship for starting the club at Wickenburg High school. Getting the newspaper layout started, the front page looks pretty good. (It will look even better by next week!) Then all the usual senior activites that we must do in order to graduate and filling out applications to colleges and scholarships had to be done too. This will be my most stressful, but most driven school year ever!

Hannah Buff
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Please read.

From now on, I will not only be the copy editor, I will also be editing the online posts you make for AP style, punctuation, capitalization, etcetera. I will be doing this on top of my own two posts and comments each week, editing your articles and writing my own stories. So, I would greatly appreciate it if you would make my job easier and write properly; no texting lingo or the like. Please don't forget your signature at the end of a post and that there are two spaces in between sentences.

This post is also a warning for you guys. Don't freak out if your posts change in its formatting or wording. It is just me doing my job. I'll try not to dramatically change them, but if necessary, I will do just that.

Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Okay, I've got some questions ready for the Horti Club and I want to interview Mrs. Lutz since she is the leader in the group. And although it's a stupid question, where is her classroom so I can set up the interview? Can someone help me? Please and thank you!

Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Wanted: Unexpected Artists

I have an amazing idea for a story. I'm going to do a piece about unexpected artists. You know the type, the hyper kid who can't sit still, the football player who hardly shows up to class, the rich girl who doesn't want to touch the charcoal because she might get dirty; yet when they finally do start to paint or draw, it's mind blowing. I want to focus on them. I think great artists get overlooked at this school and it's time for them to be brought forth to the public! The only hard part in this is that most of the drawings and paintings in the art room are from years ago, and most of them don't even have names on them. So I need your help. If you or anyone you know has made something amazing let me know or tell them to find me in advisory or something (I have Mr. Douthat). I'm going to interview three or four people and take pictures of them with their piece. It's a great way to get appreciation for doing such great work and, if the person is interested in going to an art school, saying you've had a painting published in the school newspaper looks great on an application! The art itself can be anything from a pencil sketch to a sculpture, abstract or realistic. I'm open to every idea so if you know someone, or if you are an artist yourslef please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you!

Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Three day weekend

Finally we have our first break! We have Monday off. Everybody have a great weekend and have fun.

Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz.

This weekend

I'm looking forward to the weekend. I might be going to see a friend that lives away from me. We are also might be taking my sister to see a friend of hers as well. I'm hoping to get to see my grandma and my great grandpa this weekend. He has been sick so I really want to see him. I want to get a letter from my dad, but I don't think he is going to write us anytime soon. He hasn't written to us in a while. I 'm actually starting to think that he doesn't love us anymore. I going to also try to finish the book that I'm reading. I am going to work more on my story also.

Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

One final question.

The day after my infamous interview with Mr. Snyder, he dropped off a rather bulky looking packet of information on the wet lands. It took me the whole week, but I finally managed to shift through it, and highlight key terms and people from the copied documents. Mainly, the papers were about the legal side of the story, which I, from the beginning hadn't planned on writing about. I simply wanted to tell people about the existence of this filtration system and how it worked. But now with the information that has presented itself, that isn't the case. Now I'm not really sure which way I'm going to take the story. It will be written by Tuesday, that's for sure.

If anything, the best part of this story was how I unknowingly began sticking my nose in places where it shouldn't be. But if most of the people I interviewed were like the few who actually gave me information instead of answering my questions with cold one word statements, than maybe I wouldn't be left thinking that there is some sort of piece I'm missing to this story.

These unanswered questions and open ended remarks I got from several people are making me very curious as to what lies behind these wet lands, and what exactly caused the town to split down the middle, so many years ago. I mean, could it really be so bad that it causes people's eyebrows to raise at the name "wet lands" and frown upon my story line?

Based on the information I have gathered, I have a very broad spectrum of this answer, but the fact that people won't tell me anything more other than the word "controversy" is only adding fuel to my brightening curiosity.

Maybe it was just the production of the wet lands that caused this divide, or maybe it was something else, something that pertains to common human nature, like greed or the placing of one's self too high on a throne. Perhaps there isn't more to this, which could be very likely due to me being overworked and incredibly tired. Maybe I am reading this whole story wrong. I really don't know. I hope that by the next issue, or even this upcoming issue of our lovely gazette, I will have found the answer to my last question; what was it about the production of the wet lands that caused such a hushed divide of the town?

Huh, I should have went with one of my other ideas: something on advisory class or how plaid is back in style. I probably wouldn't be driving myself nuts with possible leads or secrets with one of those stories. Oh well, this idea was definitely more interesting and more than I bargained for.

Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.

One, two, three, five, six, seven

That was the order of the finish in the 3.1 mile race for our boys' Wrangler cross-country team.

On the right, Chase Killer shows his first-place winning form. Killer was followed by teammate Criston Hyatt. Way to go, WHS!

Mr. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz.


I see my friends, I realize how blessed I am.

I know that in the world, there are people who don't have many or any friends.

But for me, I can see that what I have, I should appreciate. All of my friends, whether best or just friends or some of those "kinda" friends, I am happy to know that I can count on each and every one of them.

My main hope and goal in my life for my friends is that I somehow make a difference in their life or for me to be there when they need me. I got a call from a friend last night and she was telling me what happened. To calm her, I took her through some breathing and mind clearing exercises. And it worked.

I hope that I have done something for all of my friends to, in some way, make them who they are and who they will become.

Thursday thought of the day

"We could be in a plane two feet from crashing into the ocean, and you would say 'At least we have those two feet; we could still live!'" Tina Emia said while reflecting on her teen-aged niece's amazing optimism. But could always having a cheery smile, a positive thought, or a kind word? Some scientist believe that children should experience several different extreme emotions from ages 11-17 in order to fulfill a healthy adult life. But is it true? Should we always look to the bright side or not be afraid to venture into the darkness of other emotions? What do you think?

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Cool science

I was in Mrs. Lutz class today. She did this cool demonstration. I taped it, with her permission, and posted it on here.

Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Get some spirit!

Today we had a fall sports pep assembly! We had a class competition and just guess who won... the seniors. So who lost? The sophomores. Let's get some more school spirit! But great job to those on the Student Council for putting together a great assembly! It is our best year by far!

Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Thursday pep assembly!

How awesome was today's pep assembly? I have seen so many juniors dressed up! How great is that? I have to say I'm very proud to be a part of the 2011 Class! Woo-hoo! I'd have to say this school has quite a bit of spirit but I think we can all step it up. I mean, you only got the high school experiences once. Why not make them the best? I believe you should leave your own mark on your highschool. Make memories that will last a lifetime. I have learned, with this being my third year, is about becoming who you are going to be in life. It is just a step to becoming who you are and what you will be. So go the extra mile and have school spirit! Wickenburg High School deserves you to leave your memories here!

Bailey Gonzales
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The long weekend

So this weekend my family is going camping and we get to take friends with us, so my best friend Lisa gets to go. I'm so happy! Is it Friday already?

Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Thought of the day

"Not all knowledge can be taught or learned from the same school." is from Kaimikahu Valdez, a dance teacher from Tempe. Do you think that this quote is something that can be applied to our school? I believe this is very true. I have the same english teacher as last year, which isn't a bad thing, but I already know how she will teach me and what she thinks is important for me to learn. I also know some kids who have the same teacher twice in one day. So what do you think? Should we try not to repeat teachers or should we trust on the person to teach us all we have to know?

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.


Okay so we just went over the AP style for Mr. Burd.

Here are some of the biggies that we gotta remember!

  • No Google!
  • Add the date, time, full name of person who spoke, place, who, and why.

Why we need it is because if any of us plan to become an intern or say a journalist, they have to have all this information so that their readers know who said what, when it happened, and why it was said. AP style includes proper nouns like: John, Mary, Mississippi River, etc.; pronouns like he and she; numbers are extremely important for people to know how many was in the story: 5 year old boy, 6 teens went on strike, etc.; time references are important as well because we need to know WHEN everything has happened such as: Mr. Burd started class at 11 a.m. --no redundances, abbreviations--; make sure you have your directions and regions so we know where everything is taken place; and last but not least abbreviations and acronyms are only used when necessary such as NASA, No. 1, Sen., and even OK.

Punctuation is a big one too, like don't put a comma before the conjunction in a simple series of a list. That is not AP style. Information that is nonessential are set off by commas by the way.

Don't panic, master the basics of the rules and topics, get into the habit of looking for words that can be presented in many various ways.

Wow that was a mouthful. But hopefully that will help all of us do better in writing our stories. I hope that helped all of you!

Dannie Malleo

Wickenburg, Ariz.

Zoo Crew shows support

The volleyball game on September 1 was accompanied by the Zoo Crew, a new organization this year. Thanks to their great school spirit, much energy was brought to the game. The props and signs were amazingly designed, and the Crew's enthusiasm really got people involved and pumped for the home team. Great job, Zoo Crew! Keep it up!

(Left: Members of Zoo Crew make bright appearance at volleyball game. Photo by Emily Prevost)

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Football vs. volleyball

On Thursday, August 27, onlookers were met with an unusual sight-- football players on the volleyball court. But don't be alarmed! It was all for a good cause. Mr. Larry Piano, a teacher and former assistant volleyball coach, was recently diagnosed with cancer. This news was met with much sympathy by those who knew him. To help raise money for Piano, some students came up with a great idea. The varsity football team challenged varsity volleyball to a full-out volleyball match. The cost of admission was $3.00 per person, and all the proceeds went to benefit Mr. Piano and his family. (Left: Volleyball players go up against football team on their own turf. Photo by Emily Prevost)

The game was a blast. Each team brought their own unique traits to the court, whether it be football's enthusiastic support and team spirit, or volleyball's upbeat and fast-paced precision. The gymnasium echoed with a mix of alternating peppy cheers, deep shouts and roaring crowds. (Right: Opposing players face off at the net. Photo by Emily Prevost)

To the surprise and delight of many, the football team played rather well. The score was close the entire match. Volleyball won the first game, but football came back and beat them in the second game. In the end, though, volleyball finished them to win the match in three games with an incredible display of skill. Despite the disappointing loss, football showed some of their own skills, including several spikes, blazing-fast overhand serves, and a perseverance that is comparable to none. Good job, guys! Maybe you should organize a boys volleyball team? (Left: Marah Brink and Linsey Shumway are pumped for the game. Photo by Emily Prevost)

On second thought, maybe they should leave the bump-set-spiking to the girls. But this event was definitely an enjoyable one, and a big thanks goes out to all those who participated. I'm sure many people would like to see something like this done again, especially with such a noble motive behind it. Thanks are also in order for everybodyy who attended to support Mr. Piano. We hope you get well soon, Piano Man! (Right: Football team awkwardly crowds onto the bench. Photo by Emily Prevost)

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Airz.