Monday, September 14, 2009

Story # 2

I don't know about anybody else, but I'm quite excited for Homecoming. So excited, in fact, that I would like to do a story on it. Just the basic information since the paper comes out prior to it. I have the first draft of my first story done and hopefully the re-write won't be too hard or take too long. I'll start looking into it this week, because I'm sure many people will read it. If I have the time and enough material to write a short informative piece, I'll get cracking on it pretty soon.

Any suggestions, comments or questions? How do you feel about Homecoming? Should I do the story? Let me know.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.


  1. Hmmm....Homecoming....well for me honestly it would be a good thing to talk about but I think a LOT of people are not going so yeah. I'm one of those people who aren't going. Don't ask why, I'm just not. It seems like a good idea but it kinda really isn't because not many people are planning on going.

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  2. You should do the story and possibly interveiw freshman to see how they liked the thrill of the "highschool" dance. I'm almost positive a bunch of freshman are going to get dressed up and go, it's something to fill in the papers right? I say go for it!

  3. I'm hoping that people will read my story, and want to go to it. I think it's a great social opportunity to just have fun and to support our school. Megan, that's a great idea! I remember how excited I was as a freshman, thanks for the suggestion!

    Emily Prevost
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  4. Well, I have a few questions: When and how did the tradition of homecoming start? How does being elected king or queen change one's attitude about the school or about themselves? How does not being elected change one's?

    Rick Burd
    Wickenburg, Ariz.


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