I have been hit by the rush of homework and stress. I have a lot on my plate, and I suppose it's my own fault for trying to make the whole world happy. (Which by the way is impossible, but I seem to keep forgetting.)
But I think I like the fact that I'm busy. School is very annoying sometimes. It always has been. But it keeps me focused on important things, academically speaking. During the summer I hate life and I am my most depressed. It is all because I'm thinking, well over thinking about things that bring stress into my life. Like family issues, teenage issues and many other problems. School is my outlet. I don't know where I'd be without it.
So thank you to the teachers, thank you to the entire faculty. I know that you are the reason I don't blow my head off. Sometimes it does become too much to handle, and sometimes I just want to give up but then I look around and see all the things worth going after. There are so many beautiful things in life worth falling for. I may not fully understand what life is for or what I'm supposed to do with it but what I do understand for sure is that it is not meant to be wasted. How could someone waste life? Look outside your window right now.T his world is so amazing. Crazy yes, but still absolutely incredible. I think that is the best word for the world; incredible. Then you start talking about the universe. Ha, I'm not even going to go there.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wow Alex.... that's very powerful. I know it must be hard having all of this dropped on you (trust me, I feel that too). But it's not your fault for trying to make the world happy; everyone tries in some way but as much as we try... we realize it's harder than it actually is. So basically what I'm saying is... I have fault in this too.
ReplyDeleteAnd with school being annoying... that's normal. And yes althougth it keeps you on the academic path, it also teaches you to become one with the other people that are around you. When school's not around, we don't get that and that's what makes some kids (like me for example) feel bored out of their minds when they aren't having time with friends.
You're right about "There are so many beautiful things in life worth falling for."-(Alex Camacho) Most people can't see that because they only focus on what they think should only be important to THEM. It's not about that; it's what's important to you, your friends, your family, and the world. And one of the many beautiful things out there worth falling for is the gift of hope. Without it, no one would look up upon themselves (or I wouldn't be giving this long, dang speech).
But what we need to realize is that although we don't know what life is for, the best we can do is to just live in it without question. Yeah we may have those times where we ask ourselves "Why am I living?" Well, all I can say is this:
We don't need to know everything about our life or why we're here. If we know that we make a difference in at LEAST one person's life, we know that we did something that is majorly worth it.
And you're right again, life shouldn't be wasted. If we waste life, we waste ourselves too and that puts off a negative view of our changing world.
So... do you kinda get where I'm headed? I hope so, otherwise, I wrote this for nothing. Hope it said something (even if it says "Hey I'm Dannie and I like to talk about random stuff!")
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz