Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thought of the day

"Not all knowledge can be taught or learned from the same school." is from Kaimikahu Valdez, a dance teacher from Tempe. Do you think that this quote is something that can be applied to our school? I believe this is very true. I have the same english teacher as last year, which isn't a bad thing, but I already know how she will teach me and what she thinks is important for me to learn. I also know some kids who have the same teacher twice in one day. So what do you think? Should we try not to repeat teachers or should we trust on the person to teach us all we have to know?

Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.


  1. I don't know... I think it is not a bad idea of having the same teacher. If you learned something, I guess it won't matter.

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  2. Amanda, very provocative thought. I would think that your question might be suitable for a survey. I could help make one up for you, if you would like.

    Watch your grammar, please. Proofread your work.

    Mr. Burd
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  3. i dont know ill have think about it


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