That long weekend was exactly what I needed! I got to sleep in two days in a row, which is a big deal for me. I'm also really glad I got to see my mom for Thanksgiving. I rode up to Peeples Valley on Wednesday and had a great holiday, then rode back down to Wickenburg on Thursday night on my stepdad's motorcycle (which was freezing by the way). Then a couple friends and I went shopping on Black Friday (horrible idea, never doing that again). And finally we went to Bisbee Saturday night.
For most of you who have never heard of Bisbee, it's one of the very first mining towns in Arizona. It's about an hour outside of Tombstone. We got there pretty late and toured Tombstone a little bit. Then we went on to Bisbee to get something to eat. But when we got there our clumsy waiter spilled a large root beer right in my lap! To make matters worse I had to ride in the truck bed all the way from Bisbee (right on the Mexico border) back to Wickenburg, at night. I have never been so cold in all my life. Other than that mess the weekend was great. Hope your break was just as good (minus the root beer incident).
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy early Thanksgiving
Well tomorrow I'm going to have a giant feast with a turkey I fought for... Well I actually fought an old lady for it, but still I won. So with my Walmart turkey trophy and my weirdly shaped ham I'm going to have a feast (need more pumpkin pie). I might tape the thing if I get the camera from my mom. Happy Thanksgiving from a Indian!
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I hope that it will be a good one, but I'm not so sure. You see, this Thanksgiving will be my first Thanksgiving without my great-grandpa. I hope that after I spend time with my family I'll get to go and visit his grave. I also might write my dad and tell him happy Thanksgiving. But I really hope that I'll get to go see my great-grandpa's grave.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bunnies on the walls.
I don't even really have anything to say that's positive about this week, but I'll try. Hmm...okay, I've got one or two. Besides having all three tests that this week brought, back to back I might add, (Algebra II, Chemistry, and Spanish II) I did realize that when you are studying for hours on end your mind begins to wander and find interesting pictures in the paint swirls on the walls. That's always amusing. I found a cute little bunny. Any who, another positive note to make...besides cute that I've been working with Hannah on the upcoming newspaper and it's completely awesome! Note to all readers: take the time to see the awesome zigzag article on the front page. The zigzag took forever to figure out how to do, but I think that it turned out pretty awesome. By next week you all should be able to see it. We tried our best to get it out this week, but it just wasn't going to happen. Sorry. So, yeah. That's all I have to say without complaining. I hope all of you all have a great Thanksgiving/break!
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
There are so many things going on!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
- It's fricking cold outside my fingernails are blue! No kidding!
- I've got some English due tomorrow...stupid Chapter Questions. Why do we even have them?
- I'm worrying myself sick over last week's Geometry exam.
- We have a four-day weekend! WHOO-HOO!
- Did I mention that it's cold outside and that my fingernails are blue? I did, didn't I?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Test attack
This week is completely crazy. There is a test in Ms. Webb's Algebra II and in Mr. Thomas's Chemistry class. Today. If you have already taken it, bravo for surviving. If not, study up. I'm having a heart attack and a stroke at the same time just thinking about it. Maybe if I do, I can get out of them. Maybe.
Mrs. Thomas's Spanish II class over 200 words to have memorized just this week. She is separating them into different tests for each day, but it is still ridiculous. I'm glad I'm still in Spanish I.
I'm sure there are loads more things that are due by Wednesday and I wish you luck in all your endeavors.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Mrs. Thomas's Spanish II class over 200 words to have memorized just this week. She is separating them into different tests for each day, but it is still ridiculous. I'm glad I'm still in Spanish I.
I'm sure there are loads more things that are due by Wednesday and I wish you luck in all your endeavors.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Hey everybody, so I hope you're all looking forward to your next couple of days off! Hopefully, everybody has an awesome day stuffing their faces with turkey! Have fun with family or who or whatever you may be doing!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Monday, November 23, 2009
Strack strikes out
Did anyone take notes? Does anyone remember the answers to the many questions? I only remember one: "I'm not answering any questions about that." Thanks, Lucy.
Wickenburg, Ariz
Thespian Adventures
This weekend some of the members of Wickenburg HS, Thespian troupe number 6646 participated in the Arizona Thespian Convention. It was a blast! Not only were we able to take classes from widely known actors, dancers, and other instructors, but we were all presented with the ability to meet other thespians! Every members expierience was very different but overall the convention was fun and exciting!
The worst part about this over night trip was the Hotel San Carlos. No it wasn't over priced, and it wasnt unclean, it was HAUNTED! Yes, the Hotel San Carlos was one of the first hotels ever built in the phoenix area, it also still has the orginal sinks form the 1900's. When the hotel was first built an actress Leone Jensen was stood up by her finace. Going through a whirl wind of emotions the woman decided to jump off the 7th floor. The same floor where we were staying! When asked the hotel front desk man Ian said that some people think the hotel is haunted but he personally has not had any supernatural expieriences. But some members of our troop did have some spooky feelings and scary pictures taken. But the hotel isnt haunted by only one lonely spirit, several stories have been told of other suicides, and the bones of little children. To read more about the hotels "haunted-ness" you can visit .
Although scared I definantly had fun meeeting new people and going to different classes. I would reccomend going next year to anyone who is interested in acting or wants to be a thespian.
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, ariz
The worst part about this over night trip was the Hotel San Carlos. No it wasn't over priced, and it wasnt unclean, it was HAUNTED! Yes, the Hotel San Carlos was one of the first hotels ever built in the phoenix area, it also still has the orginal sinks form the 1900's. When the hotel was first built an actress Leone Jensen was stood up by her finace. Going through a whirl wind of emotions the woman decided to jump off the 7th floor. The same floor where we were staying! When asked the hotel front desk man Ian said that some people think the hotel is haunted but he personally has not had any supernatural expieriences. But some members of our troop did have some spooky feelings and scary pictures taken. But the hotel isnt haunted by only one lonely spirit, several stories have been told of other suicides, and the bones of little children. To read more about the hotels "haunted-ness" you can visit .
Although scared I definantly had fun meeeting new people and going to different classes. I would reccomend going next year to anyone who is interested in acting or wants to be a thespian.
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, ariz
Apologies and other stuff
Hi, Staff. Well, this was a major blunder. The newspaper did not get published this week because of the following reasons:
I feel so bad about not getting the paper out. We could have done it IF I had just let Hannah do her thing.
I hope we can get it done for this Friday.
Check out the nice comments from the fine people at the Webb Center on They really appreciate our taking an interest in their activities. Maybe a thank you note would be in order for their kind offer of two free tickets for every performance.
I'll won't be in today. Hope everyone is OK there. You have a new sub. I don't know him. Impressions are welcomed.
Thank you for all you do.
Wickenburg, Ariz
- I thought I could finish it on Saturday.
- My InDesign 3 is not compatible with InDesign 4 (the school's new version).
- Hannah offered to come in Saturday and finish it, but noooooooo, I said I could do it.
- I got the flu. I got really sick. I could not move. I did not do a bloody thing but stay on the couch and, well, I'll spare the details.
I feel so bad about not getting the paper out. We could have done it IF I had just let Hannah do her thing.
I hope we can get it done for this Friday.
Check out the nice comments from the fine people at the Webb Center on They really appreciate our taking an interest in their activities. Maybe a thank you note would be in order for their kind offer of two free tickets for every performance.
I'll won't be in today. Hope everyone is OK there. You have a new sub. I don't know him. Impressions are welcomed.
Thank you for all you do.
Wickenburg, Ariz
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Short week. Big work load.
Next week, though we only have three school days, the teachers are insisting on giving us a normal/plus work load. During those three days most of the students will experience several short, but time consuming Spanish II tests, a Chemistry test, and an Algebra II test. This upcoming week will probably the most challenging of the weeks so far...and then finals comes in two weeks. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but this isn't going to be fun and there's no escaping it. So my advice to all of you....STUDY!!!
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
New Wrangler logo
Billy Wilson amuses his classmates
This is a video of Billy entertaining the class AFTER his work was completed for the day.
Thanks, Billy.
Wickenburg, Ariz
Thanks, Billy.
Wickenburg, Ariz
Secret Life: A Success

The secret life of bees, a beautiful novel by Sue Monk Kidd was adapted by the Play House place and shown at our very own school. Located in New York, it took one year for the officals at our school to finally get them down here. The performance we had the pleasure of watching was a short version of the novel, where the actress Denice changed characters several times. Also to go along with the secret life theme we had a nice and certainly energetic where actress Heidi Jackson worked several English 10 and Theater classes through tablou. She did this so that every student could "... get the essence of the picture." The theme of Jackson's fun workshop was What do you fight for? This symbolized the constant struggle to fight for beliefs in Sue Monk Kidd's novel the Secret Life of Bees. All in all the show and the workshop were both entertaining and also inspiring.
amanda aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
The Secret Life of Bees
Today, during the Enrichment Advisory time, all of Mr. Modzewleski and Ms. Baker's classes watched a one actor performance of " The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kid. I didn't go in expecting much, especially because only one woman was supposed to play all of the characters. But it went beyond anything I could have imagined.
Ms. Denis was spectacular. In one small stage space with a chair, she captured the essence of Lily Melissa Owens and her tragic story. Her voice and expressions fit perfectly with each character, making for an excellent experience.
My only problem with the performance was that literally half of the book was cut out, though I'm sure it was for time's sake. Despite that, I encourage everyone to take their families and see "The Secret Life of Bees".
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Ms. Denis was spectacular. In one small stage space with a chair, she captured the essence of Lily Melissa Owens and her tragic story. Her voice and expressions fit perfectly with each character, making for an excellent experience.
My only problem with the performance was that literally half of the book was cut out, though I'm sure it was for time's sake. Despite that, I encourage everyone to take their families and see "The Secret Life of Bees".
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Loving the Rich!
I'm totally loving these enrichment advisory classes! Totally beats anything else that comes around today. I have a theater class with Modz and we do tons of fun things. The only problem is that most of the people don't participate at all. It makes me sad.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Weekend Is Near!!! :)
This weekend may be very exciting yet very busy. I got rodeo ALL weekend and a roping to where Im hoping I will come home with a couple thousand. How excitng!! I hope your weekends go well and safe. Get ready for THANKSGIVING!!!
A Very Sad Day
Today is a sad today for my family. It is a year today that my two cousins died. They are still in our hearts and our thoughts. I think about them everyday. I still often find myself crying just thinking about them. I miss them so much. Sometimes I feel like this is all a dream and that when I wake up that they're going to be alive and spending time with people who love them.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Early x-mas shopping!
Well it's that time of year again. Every one stressing about what to get their loved ones for this special holiday. Guess what... I'm one of those people! I can't think of a thing to get for my family and friends. It's getting harder to shop because each year I try to out do myself.. and it's gotten to the point where I'm considering giving them tube socks and scarves. Any ideas anyone?
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Almost here
The deadline for the newspaper is in just three days. Articles need to be in today unless you have been given special permission. And special permission means Hannah Buff, our editor-in-chief, spoke directly to you and gave you the go ahead, not what anyone else said. I need to edit all of the articles. So get cracking.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
So excited
I can't wait for Friday! This will be the first time I have ever been to Theatre Convention, but I've heard great things about it. If you don't know, Convention is an overnight event where members of our troupe go to do workshops and learn tricks of the trade. A lot of great people are going and all the activities sound fun so this should be a really amazing weekend. I can't wait.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Veterans Day, for some
I spoke with a veteran today. He served in the Army for four years. He works for a company whose employees all had today, Veterans day, off as a paid holiday.
Well, not all of his company's employees had Veterans Day off. His department, which consists of about five or six workers, had neither the day off nor received holiday pay for this national day of remembrance and recognition--a day set aside to honor men and women like him.
He was working when I spoke with him. He was busy, getting work done that is much harder to do when the company is open for regular business. He had no complaints. He, like many of us in this current economy, is just glad to be working, though he did see the irony in the situation. His entire department, all veterans, was working on Veterans Day, without the benefit of the holiday pay that is graciously given to the other departments in his company.
So, who is this person? I won't say. But I will say this: the company he works for is the Wickenburg Unified School District.
This is not meant to be a slam against our school district or our school board. I was in business for about 28 years and I know that you cannot spend money that you do not have. Rather, this is an appeal to our staff's compassion. I don't think any of us got pay raises this year. But neither did we get pay cuts or loss of benefits; some departments got both. Perhaps we could take a collection for the others. If we really are a team and/or family, I think it's the right thing to do.
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
Well, not all of his company's employees had Veterans Day off. His department, which consists of about five or six workers, had neither the day off nor received holiday pay for this national day of remembrance and recognition--a day set aside to honor men and women like him.
He was working when I spoke with him. He was busy, getting work done that is much harder to do when the company is open for regular business. He had no complaints. He, like many of us in this current economy, is just glad to be working, though he did see the irony in the situation. His entire department, all veterans, was working on Veterans Day, without the benefit of the holiday pay that is graciously given to the other departments in his company.
So, who is this person? I won't say. But I will say this: the company he works for is the Wickenburg Unified School District.
This is not meant to be a slam against our school district or our school board. I was in business for about 28 years and I know that you cannot spend money that you do not have. Rather, this is an appeal to our staff's compassion. I don't think any of us got pay raises this year. But neither did we get pay cuts or loss of benefits; some departments got both. Perhaps we could take a collection for the others. If we really are a team and/or family, I think it's the right thing to do.
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
In defence of wrestling
Wrestling. The very word causes some people to break out into laughter. These people instantly picture the ridiculous singlets and headgear and the awkward sight of two guys rolling around on a mat. For this reason, wrestling is not a very popular sport. Rather, it is usually a subject of ridicule.
I myself used to think like these shallow-minded folks, until I learned what high school wrestling is really like. It's an extremely physically and mentally demanding sport that only the most determined athletes have the stomach for.
I myself used to think like these shallow-minded folks, until I learned what high school wrestling is really like. It's an extremely physically and mentally demanding sport that only the most determined athletes have the stomach for.
Practices are grueling. Wrestlers go through extensive stretching for maximum flexibility; conditioning such as running lap upon lap, countless push-ups, all different kinds of sit-ups, walking on their hands, front rolls, back rolls, bear crawls, crab walks, burbees, cartwheels, round-offs, jump roping, sprints and suicides; strengthening exercises like weighted wall-sits, "Grote push-ups", jump roping with the heavy rubber rope, various weight-lifting and even pounding a tractor tire with a sledge hammer; and actual training to improve their wrestling technique, which includes hand-control drills, take-downs, sprawls, drills to learn new moves and live wrestling.
All of this, spread across a two-hour practice, is designed to give each wrestler an agile body strengthened to its fullest potential and a well-equipped mind sharpened and focused to an unbeatable cunning, not to mention an intense tolerance for pain. These are the tools he will need to beat his opponent, either by pinning him or bending him into submission. Girls can wrestle too-- it is officially a co-ed sport. Some girls have even placed excellently at state.
All of this, spread across a two-hour practice, is designed to give each wrestler an agile body strengthened to its fullest potential and a well-equipped mind sharpened and focused to an unbeatable cunning, not to mention an intense tolerance for pain. These are the tools he will need to beat his opponent, either by pinning him or bending him into submission. Girls can wrestle too-- it is officially a co-ed sport. Some girls have even placed excellently at state.
Last year, a few of my friends were in wrestling. From them, I learned how tough the sport is. I gained a new found respect for these incredible athletes, who showed such unbreakable determination and rigid discipline. It was easy to see that no other sport is as severe, demanding, or skill-requiring as wrestling. Since becoming a manager for the team this year, I have only fortified my opinion. Seeing their training up-close has truly made me realize the guts these guys have.
The first and only time that I went to a wrestling meet, I was shocked at the intensity of the struggle between two wrestlers. It is such an intriguing sport, and yet few people actually give it a chance. They fail to see the true side of it. Instead, they insist upon their idle prejudices and empty assumptions. If only people would open their minds long enough to consider it, wrestling would receive the respect that it deserves.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
Watch out! It's Friday the 13th! A day most people decided would be horrible for many. WHY? But good luck to all of you guys and hope Friday the 13th isn't a day of disaster. Also, I hope that all of you guys have a great weekend!
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
This week has been crazy for so many things. First off is the computer arrangements. I still think we should have some more for everyone to work at but hey, I can't change the way the school spends its budget and whatever.
The brand-new Enrichment Classes, or as I call it "The Fun Classes Where We Can Do Fun Activities", seemed to go pretty well yesterday. I don't know about all of you guys but I had so much fun in mine. This is a really good idea for everyone to get involved in something other than school-related topics.
Articles, articles, articles everywhere! We are all working so hard on what needs to be done it's driving me insane! I know that all of us are probably saying at the back of our minds, "No more please! I already got so much crap to do!" But you know, we will still live no matter what.
Lastly, so many truths have come out to me that I can't bear to hold them all inside but I can't bear to take them out either. So much is happening that I can't think straight. Apparently my dad keeps telling me to calm down, don't worry so much, and be "mindful" of what expressions come onto my face. He says that people know how you are feeling not just by actions or words, but what look is on their face. Unfortunately, I wasn't having a good attitude last night and I was bawling my eyes out. Dad thought I was depressed but I said that I was just frustrated. I guess you can say I'm scared and not entirely comfortable with sudden change.
But I have a postitive outlook . . . even if everything hurts so bad.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
The brand-new Enrichment Classes, or as I call it "The Fun Classes Where We Can Do Fun Activities", seemed to go pretty well yesterday. I don't know about all of you guys but I had so much fun in mine. This is a really good idea for everyone to get involved in something other than school-related topics.
Articles, articles, articles everywhere! We are all working so hard on what needs to be done it's driving me insane! I know that all of us are probably saying at the back of our minds, "No more please! I already got so much crap to do!" But you know, we will still live no matter what.
Lastly, so many truths have come out to me that I can't bear to hold them all inside but I can't bear to take them out either. So much is happening that I can't think straight. Apparently my dad keeps telling me to calm down, don't worry so much, and be "mindful" of what expressions come onto my face. He says that people know how you are feeling not just by actions or words, but what look is on their face. Unfortunately, I wasn't having a good attitude last night and I was bawling my eyes out. Dad thought I was depressed but I said that I was just frustrated. I guess you can say I'm scared and not entirely comfortable with sudden change.
But I have a postitive outlook . . . even if everything hurts so bad.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Live, learn, lead and love
Best Buy has been awarding grants to teens for over ten years now. Check out the opportunities they are giving to teens who express their ideas and share their visions. Best Buy @15.
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
School uniforms
I believe someone was doing an article (editorial?) on school uniforms. Here's an article that made the national edition of HSJ. Blue, Green, Black and Maroon.
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
Why the switch of rooms?
Seriously. I'm so confused... What was the whole reason for the room switch? This is gonna suck because it will take more time to finish the paper, because we all have to take turns on the computers... Wow.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Don't do it. You will not be helping your community if so.
About 20,000 Fry's and Safeway grocery workers in Arizona could walk off the job at 6 p.m. Friday if the companies and the workers' union fail to reach a contract deal by the deadline.
If a deal is not reached, it would be the first general Arizona grocery strike in decades.
Most working Americans cannot afford $5 a week for individual health coverage and $15 a week to cover an entire family. This is wrong!
The workers would be entitled to about $150 per week in strike pay should they walk out.
Typically, store managers and other salaried workers fill in as clerks and stockers during a strike. Sometimes salaried employers from other states are brought in to help.
The companies also could hire temporary workers.
See related story here.
My step father works at Frys, and the people that run those companies are trying to take away his pension, (money after retirement) and insurance. These people are greedy. Join the cause; (please don't shop at Frys or Safeway! Workers all over the state will be picketing this Friday to stop the madness. And I will be, too. Right next to them.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
About 20,000 Fry's and Safeway grocery workers in Arizona could walk off the job at 6 p.m. Friday if the companies and the workers' union fail to reach a contract deal by the deadline.
If a deal is not reached, it would be the first general Arizona grocery strike in decades.
Most working Americans cannot afford $5 a week for individual health coverage and $15 a week to cover an entire family. This is wrong!
The workers would be entitled to about $150 per week in strike pay should they walk out.
Typically, store managers and other salaried workers fill in as clerks and stockers during a strike. Sometimes salaried employers from other states are brought in to help.
The companies also could hire temporary workers.
See related story here.
My step father works at Frys, and the people that run those companies are trying to take away his pension, (money after retirement) and insurance. These people are greedy. Join the cause; (please don't shop at Frys or Safeway! Workers all over the state will be picketing this Friday to stop the madness. And I will be, too. Right next to them.
Alexandra Camacho
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Computers... again
We all know about the lack of computers, but have you been noticing all the lost data? Papers, articles, pictures, sometimes even whole folders are getting lost somewhere within the tangled inner workings of our system. Maybe it's time to start bringing in flash drives to store your important documents, just in case.
Another thing about the computer issues; because of the shortage of computer time for Lucy and I, please make sure all your blogs are in the correct format and remember to spell check before you publish. And don't forget your signature at the bottom! We have other things to do and don't have time to change every post. Thank you.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Another thing about the computer issues; because of the shortage of computer time for Lucy and I, please make sure all your blogs are in the correct format and remember to spell check before you publish. And don't forget your signature at the bottom! We have other things to do and don't have time to change every post. Thank you.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Since I have to be on a computer to do all of the editing since everything is saved on the school computers, I'm going to help Janaye out. She is officially the new online editor, but it is definitely difficult to do with this computer situation. If I see a mistake while I'm on, I'll try to fix it quickly.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Haven't really done it for a little while, but I'm trying. I just checked Microsoft Word and my entire essay for English 10 is gone. I can't find it and now I'm nervous because it is basically due today. Well half of it...but still!
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tomorrow I hope that I get to go to visit my great grandpa's grave. He was in World War II and passed away on October 4, 2009. I want to go and put flowers on his grave. I really hope that I get to go and visit his grave.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Are we up to the challenge?
Greetings, staff.
We have such a creative group of students on the Wrangler Gazette staff that I think some of you could come up with a unique and innovative way of connecting our journalism class to the rest of the WUSD area.
Would some of you be willing to check out the offer that is being presented by the Knight Corporation? We could definitely use a grant from these marvelous people who so avidly support high school journalism. New (Apple) computers, video cameras, radio station equipment, TV news broadcasting equipment are all items that we could apply for. Here is the link:
Thank you.
Wickenburg, Ariz
We have such a creative group of students on the Wrangler Gazette staff that I think some of you could come up with a unique and innovative way of connecting our journalism class to the rest of the WUSD area.
Would some of you be willing to check out the offer that is being presented by the Knight Corporation? We could definitely use a grant from these marvelous people who so avidly support high school journalism. New (Apple) computers, video cameras, radio station equipment, TV news broadcasting equipment are all items that we could apply for. Here is the link:
Thank you.
Wickenburg, Ariz
Weird week
Two days on, one day off, then two days on again. Seriously, why did we have to have one day of the week off that is exactly in the middle? Why couldn't we just have Wed-Fri off make everyone happy? I know I'd be happy. Because I'd be thinking, "Hey, only two days of school this week!"
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
As all of those in journalism class, you have all noticed the lack of computers. There are now eight computers for a total at least 15 students. I'm thinking there's something wrong with that picture. So... where did they all go? But most importantly why did they go? Weren't we using them?! So good luck to all of us students, let's try and make the most of it.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Is never good for me! (sorry Kirk) But hey we are all back at school and enjoying our new room, even though its slightly more boring than the prior. I hope every one's Monday is eventful!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg Ariz.
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg Ariz.
Location, location
So we all are now in this new room with fewer computers and I'm not liking it too much. All of my documents somehow got erased, along with all of my favorites and folders. I can't even connect to a printer properly. This totally bites the big one. But I just have to get through today and tomorrow and then I can sleep in on Wednesday. Yes!
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The great race

Pictured are Phoebe Blakeley, Viviana Ruiz and Chase Killer, all proudly displaying their hard-won awards for outstanding Wrangler competitiveness at the season's finale on Saturday.
Photo by the Killer Family.
R. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
I am finally done with Mr. Booth's essay! Dang, it was so hard but thank goodness that it is over with. Now there are like three more left for this semester so yeah. Not really sure if I want to read them but I must since it's all for school. Oh well.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Getting it done
I'm happy to announce that I have just completed the story on the Spirit Tree. Thanks to my interviews with Ms. Lutz and Mrs. Jacobson, I had plenty of information to write, in my opinion, a pretty good article. I am so close to finishing my volleyball article, but I am waiting on one more piece of information from Mr. Myers. He's going to get it to me as soon as possible, so I'm left twiddling my thumbs. The poems for this edition are all taken care of, finally. So now I can focus all of my energy on my most important article: the homecoming story. I'm hoping and praying that I'll have enough information to make it as long as it needs to be, and that I'll have enough time to get that information. I already have two interviews scheduled for this week (Monday and Thursday), and I most likely won't have time for any more until next week. Ideally, I want to get at least one, possibly two more interviews for the article, since it has to be so long, but I have to get in contact with those people that I want to interview. Hannah needs all the stories by November 19, so I'll really have to put the pedal to the meddle. This is going to be one heck of a week.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
This just in from Reuben Madrid

We are stuffing envelopes that evening and need help in doing so. Should your club want to help in any of our events here is the schedule.
Christmas Tree Lighting:
Saturday November 28, 2009 at 6:00 pm
In-front of the Wickenburg Library
Car Show
December 6, 2009
Want to sell something at the car show? Cookies perhaps.
Show starts at 10:30 am till 3:00 pm
Help remove toys from delivery truck at 2:30 pm at police station.
Santa Fest
Saturday December 12, 2009
Wickenburg Town Hall
Set up time 8:00 – 8:30 am
Start time 9:00 till 11:00 am
Wrapping Party
Sunday December 13, 2009
Wickenburg Community Center
Set up time 7:00 am
Start time for wrapping at 9:00 am till finish
Delivering of the toys
Saturday December 19, 2009
Set up time 7:00 am
Start time 8:00 am till 12:00 pm
Any questions call me (Reuben) on my cell 602-550-2008
Rick Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
It's Almost Here!
Yep, that's right! One more day until the weekend! I hope everyone has a good one this time!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Stress free
This week has been a major pain. Tuesday was a giant Algebra II test and Wednesday held a disastrous Chemistry test. Though it might sound fun to those few, it wasn't in the least bit. I'm just glad that it's over and done with. I can't stand to memorize anymore definitions.
On a more interesting note, everyone should give a shout out to Lucy who will be taking her permit test this Friday. Though she might be being forced to take it under the command of her mother, she still hopes to pass in the first try. So give her a simple 'good luck'.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
On a more interesting note, everyone should give a shout out to Lucy who will be taking her permit test this Friday. Though she might be being forced to take it under the command of her mother, she still hopes to pass in the first try. So give her a simple 'good luck'.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My Crazy Weekend
Yay!!! Megan is coming over to my house today!! I cant wait! I hear our favorite movie calling our names.
I wont be here tomorrow Im leaving at 4:30 a.m. for a deer hunt! Ive been waiting all week and its finally here!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and hope you are all coming out to support our football team in the playoffs this Saturday at 7 p.m. here at WHS.
Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I wont be here tomorrow Im leaving at 4:30 a.m. for a deer hunt! Ive been waiting all week and its finally here!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and hope you are all coming out to support our football team in the playoffs this Saturday at 7 p.m. here at WHS.
Shelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Oh Yeah!!
I got my grade check today from Mr. Hodgkiss, who is my advisory teacher, and I found out that I got almost all A's... but one B-. I'm so happy!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Bad Day

One side of me is telling me that today is a good day, but the other side reminds me of all the bad things that happened to me this morning. It may sound odd, but I dropped my phone in the toilet this morning. Isn't that a great way to start my day? Then I dropped my lolipop on the ground, but it was all good because this was one of those times when the five second rule applied, but underneath it all I still can't decide if todays a good day or not.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Untitled poems
Please note that all untitled poems will be given a name by me. If you don't like the name that I choose, I'm sorry, and title your poem next time. Also, include your first and last name, unless you want to be anonymous. And please, for the love of all that is holy, format it! I'm sick and tired of getting poems written like a paragraph. It's a lot more work for me, and I don't have time for it. From now on, formatted and titled poems will have priority over untitled and unformatted ones. That means that poems that have been formatted and titled will be put in the paper first, and there might not be enough space for poems that are untitled and unformatted. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I love my new picture! It's supposed to be dancing. Can someone look and tell me if it is?
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Staying a little longer
Okay, I can't switch classes until next semester. I don't think I'm going to be here next semester, but I might as well stick with what I am given and appreciate everything that is going on with me in my life.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"Always to Remember"
I was just editing an article written by Amber Melot, and I was amazed. The strong opening paragraph for her book review on "Always to Remember" was great. I'm thinking of checking it out now. It sounds awesome.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Some changes
So from now on I'm going to be helping Lucy out with the editing. She had so much on her plate, it seems only fair that someone steps in and unburdens her just a bit. I'm now the online editor. No worries, I'm not going to be editing for content, strictly for grammatics. So please guys, remember to capitalize, punctuate, and NO text talk! Thank you.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Saying goodbye
Yeah, this is going to be my last issue for me you guys. Turns out I'm not exactly cut out for current event writing. Just like what Mr. Kevin Cloe has told us at the beginning of the school year, "Creative writing is not your friend in Journalism." At first I thought it would be easy for me but I realized that it got harder and harder for me to do stuff like interviews or even reports about past events. I don't know when I'm leaving but I'm not going to leave Hannah and the rest of you hanging without an article that I was assigned. I am going to be doing the article as promised but this will be my last.
For those of you in Writing Club, I'm still going to be in there so don't sweat it okay? I just won't be in Journalism any longer. I'm not deciding to move out of it because of all the hard work I'm given, it's just hard for me to do this. I told myself I was going to try this class and see if it works. Sadly, it hasn't.
Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses. Creative writing like stories, poems, and songs are my strengths; journalistic writing is my weakness. I hope you all don't think I'm some big idiot but don't worry about my decision. I made up my mind about what I have decided.
I love you all, you've been great staff members and you all have got talents. I will submit some things like poems or reviews like Nathaniel but just maybe not interviews. Hope this doesn't spark chaos or whatever.
I'll let you all know when my last day here is going to be.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
For those of you in Writing Club, I'm still going to be in there so don't sweat it okay? I just won't be in Journalism any longer. I'm not deciding to move out of it because of all the hard work I'm given, it's just hard for me to do this. I told myself I was going to try this class and see if it works. Sadly, it hasn't.
Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses. Creative writing like stories, poems, and songs are my strengths; journalistic writing is my weakness. I hope you all don't think I'm some big idiot but don't worry about my decision. I made up my mind about what I have decided.
I love you all, you've been great staff members and you all have got talents. I will submit some things like poems or reviews like Nathaniel but just maybe not interviews. Hope this doesn't spark chaos or whatever.
I'll let you all know when my last day here is going to be.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Regarding poems
So, I know that I was complaining about not having enough poems, and I'm really glad for all the enthusiasm and all the poems that were presented. However, I am officially swamped. I have too many poems!
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate every single poem that was submitted, but there is a limit as to how many can be put in the paper. I told Hannah that I would like to print as many as possible, but there isn't enough space for seven or so of them. It was tough to decide which poems will be in this issue, but those submitted from outside of the class will most likely have priority. Sorry if this upsets anyone.
Those of you in the class who want your poems printed, I kindly ask that you choose your best work to be put in. This is because we now have plenty of poems to be printed, and I don't want poems that will just be used as "fillers" to take up the space. I want to put in quality work, now that I have enough options to choose from. You all are doing a great job of that so far, but remember to be very selective of what you want printed. Those that are not published in this edition may be used in the next edition, so hold on to them.
Again, thanks for the enthusiasm! I love to see so many poets with a desire to share their works. And I owe a big thanks to Shayna for helping me type up, edit, and choose the poems. I really need the extra hand this week.
One last thing: Nathaniel Evans wrote up a band review and a book review. These are both great ideas, and I really think readers would love to see them in the paper. I do have one suggestion, though; For those of you who are considering doing a book/band/movie review, make sure you state some actual facts along with your opinions. For example, be sure to say what albums the band has, how many members, the members' names, when the band was created, where the band is located, and other stuff like that.
That's all I have to say for now, and I have to get back to work.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
So much stuff in so little time
I feel like I'm at a job or something. If I don't want to get fired, I'd better do all of my stuff because honestly, I have been kind of slacking off. But hey, I'm not the only one to do it, but I may be the only one to admit it.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
"Scream, Push and Run"
That was my #1 tactic this weekend. Friday night I went to The Nest, possibly the scariest thing ever! Everytime something popped out, or we passed something scary, my cousin's friend went flying and we ran screaming our heads off. It was possibly the most fun I have ever had in my life! I hope your guys' halloween was just as fun!
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz
The weekend
I am so happy my dad actually let me go do something! I have been grounded for a few weeks now but I am finally getting some freedom back! So that was last weekend. This weekend, starting way too early Friday morning, I am going on my first deer hunt. So I won't be at school.
Shelby Bishop
Shelby Bishop
Can't wait
My birthday is on January 1st, but it feels like tomorrow. I'm going to make a wish list!
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
This is driving me insane,
All the rhymes, the moods, the paper so plain!
A song will appear;
It's no suprise you'll find me writing near.
I write and write;
Rhyme and rhyme.
All day, all night.
An endless, un-winnable fight.
I can't stop this,
This crazy sickness called "Poem-itis"!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
All the rhymes, the moods, the paper so plain!
A song will appear;
It's no suprise you'll find me writing near.
I write and write;
Rhyme and rhyme.
All day, all night.
An endless, un-winnable fight.
I can't stop this,
This crazy sickness called "Poem-itis"!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Halloween weekend
How was it? Spooky? While everyone was having fun, so was I.
Now that school is back in my mind, I wish there were more breaks in the school year or I wish I had graduated already!
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Now that school is back in my mind, I wish there were more breaks in the school year or I wish I had graduated already!
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My fright night
Well, I didn't go trick-or-treating, didn't have a party and didn't go to a haunted house. You want to know what I did do? I went to see the new movie, "Paranormal Activity", with my mom and fiance. Yes it was scary, yes I had nightmares, yes I slept with every light on in my house and yes I would definitely go see it again. It is the best scary movie that has been made in a while.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Savannah Tignor
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Best holiday ever
I have a stomach ache, but the best kind because of too much candy on Halloween. I got candy drunk. Now I'm hung over. It is the best holiday ever!
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Kirk Hill
Wickenburg, Ariz.
My weekend
My weekend was really great. Friday, I went and saw a friend of mine that lives far away from me. Then on Saturday, I went trick-or-treating with my friend and my sisters. After that I went and hung out with my mother, my sisters, and my mother's friend's son. Then on Sunday, my sisters and I went and got our pictures taken at Walmart.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg, Ariz.
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