We are stuffing envelopes that evening and need help in doing so. Should your club want to help in any of our events here is the schedule.
Christmas Tree Lighting:
Saturday November 28, 2009 at 6:00 pm
In-front of the Wickenburg Library
Car Show
December 6, 2009
Want to sell something at the car show? Cookies perhaps.
Show starts at 10:30 am till 3:00 pm
Help remove toys from delivery truck at 2:30 pm at police station.
Santa Fest
Saturday December 12, 2009
Wickenburg Town Hall
Set up time 8:00 – 8:30 am
Start time 9:00 till 11:00 am
Wrapping Party
Sunday December 13, 2009
Wickenburg Community Center
Set up time 7:00 am
Start time for wrapping at 9:00 am till finish
Delivering of the toys
Saturday December 19, 2009
Set up time 7:00 am
Start time 8:00 am till 12:00 pm
Any questions call me (Reuben) on my cell 602-550-2008
Rick Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz
I will be helping as usual. My family gets involved every year since my dad is a fireman.
ReplyDeleteShelby Bishop
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I'd love to help at this! Anybody know what time the envelope stuffing is?
ReplyDeleteEmily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I'll see if I can. Some of those look really fun to do. I'd like to see if I have time to do the tree lighting thing.
ReplyDeleteDannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.