Monday, May 3, 2010

Writer's block

Usually I have no issue coming up with a story and getting it down in type within a few days (sometimes even less), but lately I cannot get my words to flow right. My story about Justin Bergman is in the works and it's pretty good so far. The Annie, Jr. story is a toughie, but it's coming along slowly but surely.

I just really hope I can pull it together before this week is over. I never have writer's block, so this is a very strange occurrence to me. Don't worry editors; they'll be done and they'll be good, but they'll be pretty last-minute.

Don't rush me, I have a strict time schedule to work with. Studying for my government final and doing extra-credit is running my life. It's terrible. But like I said before, I always do what I need to do. (Even though last time I spent weeks writing really good stories only one of the four I wrote was published; which is frustrating, to say the least.) I'll have everything in by the end of this week. No worries.

Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.


  1. Again, I'm sorry about how some of your articles didn't get in. The Stract one was cut by the administration, and I feel your pain on that. They made Mr. Burd delete my mercury spill thing from the blog, and that was just a little blurb that I did in my spare time. You obviously put some effort into your editorial.

    Your other articles were supposed to go in, but for some odd reason, they didn't. That probably happened because of the rush to get all the articles in, the change in format, and a lack of communication between our hour and Hannah.

    Lucy Randazzo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  2. Thank you, Janaye. If it is any comfort, everybody gets writer's block...everybody.

    Also, I know how frustrating it can be when you do write something and it doesn't get printed. It was always what I thought was my best work that did not get in print. Stephen King had his first manuscript rejected by 48 publishers.

    Don't quit.

    Wickenburg, Ariz


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