Please if anyone is interested in the writers club, show up to, Mr.Burds room at 7:30 am on Wednesday. We need evryone to be there to discuss dates, and activities to work around your schedule. It would be most appreciated.
-Alexandra Camacho
Monday, August 31, 2009
my weekend was so wicked when my grandma flew in we threw a party and it ain't a party like a kirk hill party b/c a kirk hill party dont stop lol we hired a singer we sang danced we drank not me ... lol but it was fun
Happy Monday WHS (:
Yup yup yup. its that time of the week. the fun ends and "work" begins... Hmmm lets make this week an exciting one even if we are all sick (:
Amanda-ann Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz
Amanda-ann Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz
My Weekend
This weekend wasn't the best for me. On friday my grandpa got out of the hospital but then my grandma was taking to the hospital. She was having chest pains and throwing up. She had to say over night. They wanted to run tests on her but she wouldn't let them. She then got out on sunday and went to my grandpa's house to take care of him. My older sister went over to my grandpa's house to drive for my grandma. My sister came home last night because she had to go to college today.
It's Monday, a new day, a new week....everything is new that is going on! This week I'm going to start my interview with Mrs. Lutz about Horti Club. Some things I want to know are....what is it? Who can join? Is there a purpose? What do you do in there? Just simple stuff like that. I'm sooo excited!!! Wish me luck!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Is it worth any time?
Advisory, is it the class everyone loves to hate?
Is advisory worth any time? What are we getting out of it other than an easy credit? Well I really think it needs more structure, maybe some challenges teachers know their students can take on. It should be for studying for a tes you might have that day or even reviewing materials your not to sure of, re-writing your notes to where you can easily read them. Those are some good ideas. It is somewhat helpful with writing, but thats not the only thing student need help with.
Is advisory worth any time? What are we getting out of it other than an easy credit? Well I really think it needs more structure, maybe some challenges teachers know their students can take on. It should be for studying for a tes you might have that day or even reviewing materials your not to sure of, re-writing your notes to where you can easily read them. Those are some good ideas. It is somewhat helpful with writing, but thats not the only thing student need help with.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Pictures soon-to-be posted, an interview completed
Hey everybody, I was going to put pictures of the volleyball vs. football game up today, but there were some time complications and I couldn't get them up. Monday, though, I will try my best to post them. It was awesome for those of you who weren't there, and it was for a great cause!
I held my interview today after school, with Kylee Cosgrove. It went amazingly well, and I'm ready to start writing my rough draft for the story! I hope you all are working hard on your stories, too.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
I held my interview today after school, with Kylee Cosgrove. It went amazingly well, and I'm ready to start writing my rough draft for the story! I hope you all are working hard on your stories, too.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Friday Is Here!!
So this weekend will be GREAT!! Got the football game tonight. (: Soo excited. Hope you ALL have a GREAT weekend!!! Woo Hoo Go WRANGLERS!!!! Im so glad to be apart of theis high school!
This Weekend...
I think we should start getting ideas for the newspaper because the issue date is just about a month away you guys and although it may not seem that short, but it is! I gotta think of questions to ask a member of the Horti Club. But I don't want to ask the OBVIOUS questions. What are some questions I can ask?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Fabulous Friday.
Time is flying by and it's soon to be 10a.m. Can you believe it's finally friday. I know a lot of people have plans so tell me whats going on! I hope you have an amazing day and weekend.
Wonderful Weekend
I just wanted to tell everyone to have a wonderful weekend! :)
The newspaper club is starting our first fundraiser! We are going to sell candy so that we can go to a ASU to attend a journalism confrence.....
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
The newspaper club is starting our first fundraiser! We are going to sell candy so that we can go to a ASU to attend a journalism confrence.....
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Swim team wins pool
Busy, Busy..
Well the Wrangler News Club is doing GREAT! We are busy working on getting fundraisers going.(: If you have any ideas let one of the officers know or better yet come to the meeting next wednesday at 7:30am in Mr.Burd's room. Hope to see you there.
Interviews, interviews
All week long I have been tracking down everybody and everyone who knows about the marhslands/water-purification facility behind our high school. I bet more than half of you don't even know what I'm talking about, which is okay, because I'm writing an article on it...or at least will be. Unfortunately the interviews I have been trying to schedule have been falling through my grasp, so I've got only half of the information I need to write the article. I have one more lead, one more person, only ONE, that knows information on these marshlands. I hope that he gets back to me soon...otherwise...I'm going to have to use one of my other, less awesome ideas for an article.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
Sometimes I just dont understand why a drive you've taken thousand of times, turns into a crash scene. Last night I found out that my friends from New Mexico, were driving to the same spot we go thousands of times to hang out, when out of no where a convit running from the cops hit them dead on. My friend Amber who was driving, was killed instantly. The three other girls in the truck are in critical condition and there outcome is still unkown. Of course the women running from the cop left the scene with out a scratch to her body. Its so ironic how something so small can change eveything you've ever looked at differently.
wrote them down and making my final soon.
Hopefully it's good enough, wish me luck?
wrote them down and making my final soon.
Hopefully it's good enough, wish me luck?
Welcome to Senior Year.
People always say that school gets easier the older you get. Your classes become less complicated, your stress level goes down, your life finally evens out. Yeah, that's a lie. Classes are demanding, parents are suffocating, friends are complicated, and our love lives are just the icing on this oh-so-stressful cake. All of the things I've got to do start stacking up, the days are getting shorter, which means I'm staying up later. And later. And later. So for the love of all things holy; underclassmen, enjoy the freedom (and sleep) while you can!
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Beautiful Morning!
This morning was so beautiful guys!
I mean
the way the clouds looked and how the sun just came up. . . I couldn't resist at all!
The first picture was of when the sun was just coming out of the horizon and gave the purple clouds their golden-orange glow. That was taken in my front yard by the way.
The second one was just before the sun rose up. With the Queen Palms framing the colored sky was just like being on a tropical island. I really hope to get more pictures of a great day starting with a sunrise like this.

I mean

The first picture was of when the sun was just coming out of the horizon and gave the purple clouds their golden-orange glow. That was taken in my front yard by the way.
The second one was just before the sun rose up. With the Queen Palms framing the colored sky was just like being on a tropical island. I really hope to get more pictures of a great day starting with a sunrise like this.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ever Get....
Those days where you know that everything is going to be great then all of a sudden, it just....turns away from you? I wonder why we get those days, but not often (thank God). When I do, it always has something to do with a family or friend of mine getting me upset and all. Does anyone else feel this way sometimes?
Gone But Never Forgotten
Over the past few months I have been thinking about my cousins Little Alvin age 19 and Little Mikey age 8 who died on November 18,2008. They lived in Washington. They were at a lake fishing but it had just rained alot there so the water in the lake was higher than nomal. They both drowed in the lake. It kind of sucks for my sisters and I because we hadn't seen them in a long time. It was the hardest on my older sister Kristen because she was really close to Alvin. In fact Alvim turned 21 before she would. We all still miss them. I actually wrote a poem for them. The poem was call My Gurdian Angels. I just want them to know that just because they're gone dosen't mean that will ever be forgotten. I know that they're watching us from up there. They watch over us and make sure we are doing okay. When I found out it hit me hard everytime I saw a picture of them I cried. I couldn't help myself. Sometimes I still find myself crying when I see pictures of them. I don't think that I'll be able to see a picture of them and not cry but i'm going to try my hardest. I just want them to know that I miss them so much and that I love them so much.
Wow, Dracula (our fall play) is off to a great start, even though it's just read-throughs. Slowly, we are starting to get to know one another, slowly understand what we are trying to say in the script, and learn one very important lesson: we as cast members are now a family. Much teamwork is needed to help out with this play. Mr. Modz has so many ideas in mind that most of them he's keeping a surprise! As the cast members read, Modz helps out by giving points and assisting with lines to where the actor is not present.
We are getting lots of laughs as we get through the process but we all understand when to be serious.
We are getting lots of laughs as we get through the process but we all understand when to be serious.
Just keep swimming!
Yesterday I attented the first ever Wickenburg High School swim meet. It is so different from any other sport I have watched! Many had showed up to the meet, which was truly exciting. Wickenburg did an exceedingly great job. Including Kellsi who made swimming the 200 free look like a cake walk, coming in first place. Others who did very well were, Tori, who had won all of her events and Jesse Root. For the guys David Nelson did exceedingly well too, along with Logan and Micheal. At the meet, everything was very laid back, and organized! As usual Wickenburg High won in team points against Sedona Red Rock and Bourgade. Great job to all who participated :)
Keep your hopes up.
Now days teenagers over exaggerate on the smallest things, it's what we do best right? I believe things do happen for a reason, but it's not always for a good reason. You loose something, yet gain something back. Keep a smile on your face you have a whole life to look forward to. Keep your mood boosted and look forward to the future, try andlivea happy life while you have one.
last year i was wearing contacts i think i was the only one but now i've been noticing a few colored eyes around i think im starting a trend also if you were here i was just starting a pimp hat trend im a leader not a follower :P
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Keeping Hope
Yesterday I found you that my grandpa was taking to the hospital again. He had just got out on Saturday. He is very sick he has been sick for 2 years now. But we are not giving up on hope. My grandpa is 87 and was in World War 2. He received a four levf clover and a purple heart for going above and beond the call of duty. He is a real survier i just hope that he fights this battle and wins. I really don't want to see him go just yet. He is a hero to me and to alot of other people. I'm so glad that he got to fight for our country. I just hope that this sickness doesn't take him from us. We all know that he can't keep fighting for ever but he's not giving up just yet. He is really strong and know that he can pull through this. I just hope that they help him while he's in the hospital. I hope that he gets better. I'm not giving up on him or on hope. I know that my prayers will be answered and that he won't leave us until he can't figt anymore. So I will keep hoping and praying and never give up on hope.
Still Waiting
It's been a couple of months since my dad last wrote my sisters and me. He's currently in jail. He's been in jail since May 21.
He doesn't seem to want to hear how we're doing. I think it's been hard for all of us not having him around. But I know it's been the hardest on me because I seem to find myself missing him more and more each day.
I often find myself thinking about him during class and when I'm on the bus. Sometimes I think about him when I'm in my room writing poems with my sisters. I hope that he writes us soon because I'm afraid if he doesn't, I might start to give up on him for good this time.
He used to always be there for us, but now he's always gone. He doesn't even know that I wrote him a poem when he first went to jail. This is the second time that he's been in jail. This time he's in for a year. Last time he was in jail for a couple of days. But I'm not going to wait for much longer, I have other things to do with my spare time.
Since he was in jail, he had to miss out on some important things like: my 16th birthday, my sister's 15th birthday and my sister's eighth grade graduation. But maybe when he gets out, he will make better decisions with his life. I just hope he makes them fast before he loses the one thing that matters to him--his family.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg HS
Wickenburg, Ariz.
He doesn't seem to want to hear how we're doing. I think it's been hard for all of us not having him around. But I know it's been the hardest on me because I seem to find myself missing him more and more each day.
I often find myself thinking about him during class and when I'm on the bus. Sometimes I think about him when I'm in my room writing poems with my sisters. I hope that he writes us soon because I'm afraid if he doesn't, I might start to give up on him for good this time.
He used to always be there for us, but now he's always gone. He doesn't even know that I wrote him a poem when he first went to jail. This is the second time that he's been in jail. This time he's in for a year. Last time he was in jail for a couple of days. But I'm not going to wait for much longer, I have other things to do with my spare time.
Since he was in jail, he had to miss out on some important things like: my 16th birthday, my sister's 15th birthday and my sister's eighth grade graduation. But maybe when he gets out, he will make better decisions with his life. I just hope he makes them fast before he loses the one thing that matters to him--his family.
Amber Melot
Wickenburg HS
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday In Wickenburg High
Another day in Wickenburg High going good so far. Excited for the swim meet today and the football game this weekend. Zoo crew is going great. Cant wait for our first home game. So being the new kid in school was easy and everyone is soo nice!Thanks to all who helped me survive being a new kid. Ha Ha
Dιѕтяιcт 9
[My Favorite Movie]
Last Saturday Or Sunday(iDont Member) My Parents Took Me And My O'Lady To The AMC
To See District 9,(My Dad Likes Aliens) And The Movie Was Too Seck.There Was Enough Action,[For Me] It Had A Good Story, Its Kinda Sad,(To Me) And My Lady Was There.It Was Cool.(iHad Fun)The Movie Was Kinda Weird, [Like] It Felt Like As It Was Real, Like You Where Wachin The News Or An Auto Biogragphy,But It Was Good iWanna See It Again.
iMight Go Again Next Week If My Parents Call. They Wanna See Ingloreus Bast*rds.iNever Heard Of That Movie So iDont Wanna See it, ijust Wanna See District 9 Again.
Last Saturday Or Sunday(iDont Member) My Parents Took Me And My O'Lady To The AMC
To See District 9,(My Dad Likes Aliens) And The Movie Was Too Seck.There Was Enough Action,[For Me] It Had A Good Story, Its Kinda Sad,(To Me) And My Lady Was There.It Was Cool.(iHad Fun)The Movie Was Kinda Weird, [Like] It Felt Like As It Was Real, Like You Where Wachin The News Or An Auto Biogragphy,But It Was Good iWanna See It Again.
iMight Go Again Next Week If My Parents Call. They Wanna See Ingloreus Bast*rds.iNever Heard Of That Movie So iDont Wanna See it, ijust Wanna See District 9 Again.
Read-Through and Beyond
Wow, yesterday's read-through was very interesting.
Got through the WHOLE script and found some nice scenes.
Who would've thought that this was more intense than expected.
And of course, after the read-through when I got home, I do another thing for my dad.
I think I'd stick with the read-through thankyouverymuch.
For those who were in rehearsals, what did you guys think of the read-through?
Got through the WHOLE script and found some nice scenes.
Who would've thought that this was more intense than expected.
And of course, after the read-through when I got home, I do another thing for my dad.
I think I'd stick with the read-through thankyouverymuch.
For those who were in rehearsals, what did you guys think of the read-through?
Today in advisory we had to talk a directions test. Who failed?... ME. (:
We were to read the whole way through the test first to find out that we were only required to read it! We had kids yelling " I am the leader of following directions!" through the whole thing, just making things interesting. So next time; lets follow directions a little more closely!
We were to read the whole way through the test first to find out that we were only required to read it! We had kids yelling " I am the leader of following directions!" through the whole thing, just making things interesting. So next time; lets follow directions a little more closely!
Yo! Its a Terrific Tuesday!

Alex shows off her lepord legs to Bailey. ^
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz.
We're not crazy...
At least most of us aren't crazy. We're just thespians! And it's spirit week. You have no idea how odd it is to walk in the halls dressed like a rabbit or a princess while everyone else is in the standard jeans and t shirts. Most people didn't know it was going to be thespian spirit week, mainly because the thespians didn't even know we were having it this week! It was a quite a suprise to everyone really. But just so you all know, tomorrow is 'Silent for a Cause Day', Thursday is 'Fairytale Day', and Friday is 'Backwards Day'. So spread the word and put the "is she completely crazy?" comments to an end. :)
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Monday Or Tuesday?
Monday was a friends birthday. We had a lot of fun and it was a great day in Wickenburg. How was your Monday? and was it better than today (tuesday)?
Monday, August 24, 2009
the weekend
My weekend was great! when to phoenix friday with my sisters and again on saturday with my parents and little sister.. went to church saturday nite and sunday morning for a fundraiser for our youth group had lots of fun:)..
Story ideas.
I'm using this post to get my ideas down on paper, in a sense.
My first idea, the one I will be writing on is the France trip. It will probably be a project for the whole year, but that is okay.
Second is what websites people on campus use most often. We all know that MySpace is a big one, but Facebook and Twitter are catching up. I want to see which site students prefer.
This next one I'm just messing around with. It seems a little too road to me. Music is a big part of a teenagers life. A poll showing which bands are most popular would be interesting. Rap would be the one I would think most people listen to, but I might just be surprised by something weird like Indie Rock or Techno. You never know.
My first idea, the one I will be writing on is the France trip. It will probably be a project for the whole year, but that is okay.
Second is what websites people on campus use most often. We all know that MySpace is a big one, but Facebook and Twitter are catching up. I want to see which site students prefer.
This next one I'm just messing around with. It seems a little too road to me. Music is a big part of a teenagers life. A poll showing which bands are most popular would be interesting. Rap would be the one I would think most people listen to, but I might just be surprised by something weird like Indie Rock or Techno. You never know.
The cycle begins again.
It is Monday and I'm sure that everybody knows it because we are back in school. I hope everybody had a good weekend, despite the awesome, monstrous thunder storms that hit Congress and parts of Wickenburg.
As of this moment I have four ideas that I'm toying around with. No matter which one I actually decide to write, I'm sure that the readers will love it. I hope this week continues to be wicked like last week.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
As of this moment I have four ideas that I'm toying around with. No matter which one I actually decide to write, I'm sure that the readers will love it. I hope this week continues to be wicked like last week.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
Let it rain.
Let it rain, let it pour! My mom had a near death experience. We went shopping in Phoenix right after school. As we were driving home, the storm that had been brewing all day seemed to grow exponentially. We raced it back to the house, trying to get the bed sheets off the line and bring in all the perishable goods.
Lightning streaked through the air and the storm was finally upon us. The members of the church next door to us screamed, and were all but drowned out by the thunder. I grabbed the last of the food, my mom right behind us. "Is everything in?" She asked. "Everything that needs to be. The rain will start any second. Don't go back outside." I responded. The moment I said that, there was an all merciful boom, and red splashed across my vision.
"Lightning hit the car!" Mom yelled, but I had to disagree. She hadn't seen the flash I had. I told her what I saw, but she still disagreed with me. So, knowing that I wouldn't win, went upstairs.
My sister bursts through my door screaming "Adrian's tree is on fire!" I rushed outside, seeing the ride fire engine and it's many passengers examining the area. Luckily, it was only a palm tree got singed, but the entire area was searched to make sure no stray embers could catch something else on fire later.
Either way, Mom could have been hit, whether when she was getting the groceries or passing the trees to bring them inside. Needless to say, I will never let her live it down.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lightning streaked through the air and the storm was finally upon us. The members of the church next door to us screamed, and were all but drowned out by the thunder. I grabbed the last of the food, my mom right behind us. "Is everything in?" She asked. "Everything that needs to be. The rain will start any second. Don't go back outside." I responded. The moment I said that, there was an all merciful boom, and red splashed across my vision.
"Lightning hit the car!" Mom yelled, but I had to disagree. She hadn't seen the flash I had. I told her what I saw, but she still disagreed with me. So, knowing that I wouldn't win, went upstairs.
My sister bursts through my door screaming "Adrian's tree is on fire!" I rushed outside, seeing the ride fire engine and it's many passengers examining the area. Luckily, it was only a palm tree got singed, but the entire area was searched to make sure no stray embers could catch something else on fire later.
Either way, Mom could have been hit, whether when she was getting the groceries or passing the trees to bring them inside. Needless to say, I will never let her live it down.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Story ideas and the volleyball serve-a-thon
As of today, I have two story ideas, and still looking for a third. I'm quite happy with what I have so far, but the assignment is what it is and I need that other idea before next Friday. Not that it will affect my final story much. I already asked Mr. Burd about my first idea, and he gave the OK. Today I'll try to schedule an interview with whom the story concerns.
The volleyball serve-a-thon is today at about 5:00 in the gym. It's a fundraiser for the volleyball team in which each player is required to get pledges from friends and family. The player will do 50 serves, and the pledges will be paid as a certain amount per serve. For example, if someone were to sponsor a player for 10 cents a serve, and the player gets 45 serves over, the sponsor would pay $4.50. Or, you can opt to just give a flat amount of money, like $10, regardless of how many serves are made. All of the proceeds benefit the WHS volleyball team, and you're welcome to come watch the event.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
The volleyball serve-a-thon is today at about 5:00 in the gym. It's a fundraiser for the volleyball team in which each player is required to get pledges from friends and family. The player will do 50 serves, and the pledges will be paid as a certain amount per serve. For example, if someone were to sponsor a player for 10 cents a serve, and the player gets 45 serves over, the sponsor would pay $4.50. Or, you can opt to just give a flat amount of money, like $10, regardless of how many serves are made. All of the proceeds benefit the WHS volleyball team, and you're welcome to come watch the event.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Hallah its a Meaningful Monday (:
Heller. Whats up. Hola. Aloha. Jambo. Whatever you say... Today is the start of a lovely week... the day when we all wake up and think i have to go to school. UGH!... but its okay we all move on and eventually wake up...
Also this Meaningful Monday is the first day of a long week for my fellow thespians and myself not only do we have our first rehearsals but also an emegency thespian spirit week. Naturally of course my costume sucks which can be a good and bad thing (: My favorite costume is worn by our very own Alexandra Camacho as Spider-man.
<--- Alex showing me her spidey skills.....
Okay, my weekend was pretty crazy if you ask me.
On Saturday....LOADS of laundry was done! And on top of that, I had to type and CITE my dad's biology and psychology college homework! As if my dad can't type....okay, he's not that good at it but, whattaya gonna do?
Sunday, I saw my mom and grandma. They were visiting from Texas as mom is packing up her stuff to live there.....and yes, her leg is still broken. As she says to us all the time, "I'm still hobblin' along." So when my sis and I saw her, we just talked, laughed, and discussed many things.
Is that normal enough for ya? Haha.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
On Saturday....LOADS of laundry was done! And on top of that, I had to type and CITE my dad's biology and psychology college homework! As if my dad can't type....okay, he's not that good at it but, whattaya gonna do?
Sunday, I saw my mom and grandma. They were visiting from Texas as mom is packing up her stuff to live there.....and yes, her leg is still broken. As she says to us all the time, "I'm still hobblin' along." So when my sis and I saw her, we just talked, laughed, and discussed many things.
Is that normal enough for ya? Haha.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Publisher visits classroom

Here we see Cloe listening to a question that was asked by one of the Wrangler Gazette staff writers.
The photo was taken by Emily Prevost, one of the Gazette's photojournalists.
Mr. Burd
Wickenburg, Ariz.
journalism is a tricky thing
had a guest speaker yesterday he reminded me of guy on spider-man jonah jameson haha hes a cool guy he said "journalism is a tricky thing"
Weekend is so close
The good news today is that school gets out early. Even better news is that I get to sleep in tomorrow morning. So, for all you people out there who have been wishing that this week was over...guess is. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I know that I will.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
Friday Leading Into The Weekend..
I hoping I got a good idea for a story. Im very excited for this class and cant wait to get a start on it. Im looking forward to my weekend, it shall be a very good one. since my birthday was last tuesday we will be going up to Chino Valley so I can spend some time with the friends. I hope you ALL have a good weekend!!!
A fantastic friday!!!
it's going to be a beautiful day at WHS! the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and today school is out early!!! I hope this school year isn't one of those years that feel longer than they really are. Every one have a great weekend and be safe. See you all monday.
Mr. Kevin Cloe visits journalism class
Yesterday Mr. Kevin Cloe from the Wickenburg Sun stopped by our third hour journalism class to discuss the paper this year. Mr. Cloe has been in the newspaper industry for 36 years, so it was very interesting to hear what he had to say. When asked a question about what to do if someone is offended by a story he said "You're going to get criticism", he continued "Defend yourslef, but listen." Mr. Cloe offered a lot of tips that I think will be very helpful for everyone this year, and I'm sure his next visit will be even more insightful. I can't wait for his next visit.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A welcome back!
This morning everyone got the pleasure to meet Mr. Kevin Cloe, the publisher at the "Wickenburg Sun". Being a part of the paper last year, I had already got the experience of getting to work with Mr. Cloe and what his expectations were for our class. Having him back this year to help us is great. He is very educated in his work, and will help our class be as successful as possible! As I remember, he really stresses the idea of only writing on what is going on at WHS, because that is what our school newspaper is for... WHS students and teachers! It is also great that once again the community will get to see our work, for the new year!
Hannah Buff, editor-in-chief
Wickenburg, Ariz
Hannah Buff, editor-in-chief
Wickenburg, Ariz
woo-hoo my first blog
hi my name is kirk this is my first blog i hope everything will go smooth i hope i can start takin pictures if i get to be photographer just learning how to figure this thing yet but i'll get soon enough
Let's go to France!
After my dictation test in Spanish 1-1, Mrs. Thomas gave us some great news. Yesterday, the board met and gave the green light for the spring of 2011 trip to France.
This past Spring Break, a good amount of students and a few teachers went to Spain for nine days. The few students I know who went said it was fun and a wonderful experience.
So far, there is a general idea of what day they are going where, but the final details need to be smoothed out. From what Mrs. Thomas told the class, they will be going to the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, Versailles, Leonardo Da Vinci's home, and many other exciting places. The price will be around $3,000.
I think that this would be a great idea series of articles. I don't have my two other ideas yet, but this one just might be front page material.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
This past Spring Break, a good amount of students and a few teachers went to Spain for nine days. The few students I know who went said it was fun and a wonderful experience.
So far, there is a general idea of what day they are going where, but the final details need to be smoothed out. From what Mrs. Thomas told the class, they will be going to the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, Versailles, Leonardo Da Vinci's home, and many other exciting places. The price will be around $3,000.
I think that this would be a great idea series of articles. I don't have my two other ideas yet, but this one just might be front page material.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Guest Speaker.
"Be prepared to work," Mr. Cloe told us as he shared his 36 years of experience with Mr. Burd's journalism class. Being publisher for the Wickenburg Sun, he has many challenges, such as getting reviews and stories in on time. With this speech, hopefully students here are taking this year seriously. Also, he said "If what you're publishing is not interesting, people won't read it." Thank you for that wonderful speech; this year should be the best!
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Megan Pebbles
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Our Guest Speaker
Kevin Cloe, a guest speaker for our Journalism class came today and talked to us about what it means to be a journalist. He spoke about what we write about, who is going to read it, and gave us tips on what to remember while we our reporting our stories. One of them was about quoting.
"All reporters have a different take on quoting," Cloe said to all of us. This was very important as we learned to understand what kind of ways we could do exact quoting.
He told us that most reporters or journalists record what a person is saying or just try to make it as accurate as possible if no recorder is available.
When he was told about reasons why some students took this journalism class, some said that they took it because it was either their passion or they thought it was interesting. One student said that they did it because they wanted to expand their writing skills because, they too, are writers.
Cloe acknowledged this comment and said, "If you enjoy creative writing, you will be challenged on what to write down and have all the facts." This is true in the sense that being a journalist is mostly about all the facts and if you don't have your facts straight, you are pretty much screwed.
As the students continued to listen and ask questions, Cloe told them what is important in writing the stories to how each position all work together to make a great newpaper. The last thing he had said to the class was, "Be prepared to work!"
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
"All reporters have a different take on quoting," Cloe said to all of us. This was very important as we learned to understand what kind of ways we could do exact quoting.
He told us that most reporters or journalists record what a person is saying or just try to make it as accurate as possible if no recorder is available.
When he was told about reasons why some students took this journalism class, some said that they took it because it was either their passion or they thought it was interesting. One student said that they did it because they wanted to expand their writing skills because, they too, are writers.
Cloe acknowledged this comment and said, "If you enjoy creative writing, you will be challenged on what to write down and have all the facts." This is true in the sense that being a journalist is mostly about all the facts and if you don't have your facts straight, you are pretty much screwed.
As the students continued to listen and ask questions, Cloe told them what is important in writing the stories to how each position all work together to make a great newpaper. The last thing he had said to the class was, "Be prepared to work!"
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Journalism team receives visit from Wickenburg Sun representative
Respected journalist and publisher for the Wickenburg Sun, Kevin Cloe, made an appearance today in journalism class. He offered his knowledge and experience to the young writers, which was met with much appreciation and enthusiasm.
Mr. Cloe asked the students why they joined journalism. Some replied that they enjoy creative writing.
In response to this, Cloe says, "In journalism, beware of creative writing. Journalism is to present the facts. Don't lose the facts."
This bit of insight spoke to me, since I myself am a creative writer/poet. One of the things I need to focus on this year: don't get too creative, and keep it real.
Another piece of advice that Cloe gives demonstrates the importance of being complete and thorough in interviews and investigation. "If someone's name is Ron Smith, ask him how to spell it! Is it R-O-N, or R-O-N-N, is it S-M-I-T-H, or S-M-Y-T-H, or is it S-M-I-T-H-E?"
When asked how to get more readers, Cloe replies, "Write something interesting. Only a handful of people will pick up the paper at first. But by word of mouth, they'll tell other people, and then those people will go and read it, and tell other people."
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
Mr. Cloe asked the students why they joined journalism. Some replied that they enjoy creative writing.
In response to this, Cloe says, "In journalism, beware of creative writing. Journalism is to present the facts. Don't lose the facts."
This bit of insight spoke to me, since I myself am a creative writer/poet. One of the things I need to focus on this year: don't get too creative, and keep it real.
Another piece of advice that Cloe gives demonstrates the importance of being complete and thorough in interviews and investigation. "If someone's name is Ron Smith, ask him how to spell it! Is it R-O-N, or R-O-N-N, is it S-M-I-T-H, or S-M-Y-T-H, or is it S-M-I-T-H-E?"
When asked how to get more readers, Cloe replies, "Write something interesting. Only a handful of people will pick up the paper at first. But by word of mouth, they'll tell other people, and then those people will go and read it, and tell other people."
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
Mr. Kevin Cloe visits WHS's journalism class
Today in journalism class we were honored to have Mr. Kevin Cloe, publisher from the Wickenburg Sun, come in and speak to us about the aspects of journalism writing.
He answered many of our questions and even gave us a question of his own for us to answer, "Why are you in journalism class?"
Some of the students answered with fire in their eyes like Alex Camacho, expressing their passion for this class, and some answered with their version of truth for just needing an extra class. Both answers were well respected and understandable. Honesty is the best policy.
Further more, Kevin Cloe said, "Beware of creative writing. If you get too creative you can lose your point in the writing. Don't lose focus on the facts."
This sound piece of advice seemed to appeal to several creative writers in our class who are looking to expand on their own world of writing. Mr. Burd backed up this statement agreeing in full. Journalism class is for productivity and what is happening in the "now" at our school.
The journalism class as a whole is hoping to receive another visit from Mr. Cloe soon, in hopes of more advice and tips.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
He answered many of our questions and even gave us a question of his own for us to answer, "Why are you in journalism class?"
Some of the students answered with fire in their eyes like Alex Camacho, expressing their passion for this class, and some answered with their version of truth for just needing an extra class. Both answers were well respected and understandable. Honesty is the best policy.
Further more, Kevin Cloe said, "Beware of creative writing. If you get too creative you can lose your point in the writing. Don't lose focus on the facts."
This sound piece of advice seemed to appeal to several creative writers in our class who are looking to expand on their own world of writing. Mr. Burd backed up this statement agreeing in full. Journalism class is for productivity and what is happening in the "now" at our school.
The journalism class as a whole is hoping to receive another visit from Mr. Cloe soon, in hopes of more advice and tips.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
Our guest speaker!
Mr. Kevin Cloe was our guest speaker today, Thursday Sept. 20, 2009, from the Wickenburg Sun. Mr. Cloe is the publisher of the paper and has a great amount of experience with over 36 years in the business.
With lots of knowledge, we were able to gain answers and useful tips. Some important things that I learned was "don't lose focus of the facts," said Mr. Cole; to always make sure that you know what you're talking about and to keep it straight and not made up.
Also "people rarely actually read the whole paper," said Mr. Cole. Everybody is intrested in something they enjoy and want to read, such as the sports section, the classifed section, or the main headlines. We need to reach out to everyone.
Lastly, I learned that it's key to "know how to spell people's names" said Mr. Cloe. There's nothing worse than covering a topic or a certain someone and misspelling names. It's almost like going back to knowing your facts.
We thank you again Mr. Cloe, and enjoyed learning so much. We look forward to seeing you again.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
With lots of knowledge, we were able to gain answers and useful tips. Some important things that I learned was "don't lose focus of the facts," said Mr. Cole; to always make sure that you know what you're talking about and to keep it straight and not made up.
Also "people rarely actually read the whole paper," said Mr. Cole. Everybody is intrested in something they enjoy and want to read, such as the sports section, the classifed section, or the main headlines. We need to reach out to everyone.
Lastly, I learned that it's key to "know how to spell people's names" said Mr. Cloe. There's nothing worse than covering a topic or a certain someone and misspelling names. It's almost like going back to knowing your facts.
We thank you again Mr. Cloe, and enjoyed learning so much. We look forward to seeing you again.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Mr. Kevin Cloe's visit
"Give Hannah a break. Be productive!" was a great bit of advice that the newspaper veteran gave to us today. I can't agree more. The entire Journalsim class needs to step up and work to the best of their abilities to get this paper up and running.
Another word of advice that I thought was important was "Don't lose sight of the facts." It is our job to tell our fellow students the truth about issues in the school. To me, the truth is everything. Not just in the paper, but in life. We can't be biased, or else the Wrangler Gazette will be a fraud.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Another word of advice that I thought was important was "Don't lose sight of the facts." It is our job to tell our fellow students the truth about issues in the school. To me, the truth is everything. Not just in the paper, but in life. We can't be biased, or else the Wrangler Gazette will be a fraud.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
New Positions
Yesterday we had elections for President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President. Our new president is Alex, me as treasurer, amanda as secretary, and baliey as v.p.! You're all going to do such an outstanding job!
Also, thanks for electing me treasurer! I can't wait to begin doing all that I can.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
Also, thanks for electing me treasurer! I can't wait to begin doing all that I can.
Caitlin Farrington
Wickenburg, Ariz
" limited on what you can say and cant say" - Mr Kevin Cloe
Mr. Kevin Cloe, Publisher of the Wickenburg Sun, came into our lovely classroom today, August 20, 2009. I enjoyed his discussion about our futures and about himself as a person. But what really caught my attention was when he talked about how to actually write for journalism.
" ...Dont get too creative in journalism," Cloe told our class. At first it kind of shocked me, but then after a small amount of thought, I really understood.
Cloe also mentioned that "3000 people read the newspaper every week. " People who read the newspaper don't do it to read make believe stories; they want the facts. Readers want to know what's happening around them, not what's happening in your head.
So what I really learned from Cloe is that you are " limited on what you can and can't say."
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz
" ...Dont get too creative in journalism," Cloe told our class. At first it kind of shocked me, but then after a small amount of thought, I really understood.
Cloe also mentioned that "3000 people read the newspaper every week. " People who read the newspaper don't do it to read make believe stories; they want the facts. Readers want to know what's happening around them, not what's happening in your head.
So what I really learned from Cloe is that you are " limited on what you can and can't say."
Amanda Aliser
Wickenburg, Ariz
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Current events and the year ahead
The JV volleyball team scrimmaged the Freshmen team today. It was really nice to play in a close-to-game setting. I can't wait for our first real game, which is on August 26th. The first home game is September 1st, so come support your volleyball team!
Other than volleyball, things are... if not excellent, then at least bearable. The prospect of enduring another year looms ahead. I honestly don't know if I'm ready to face it. We'll just have to wait and see.
In writing-related topics, I think I have a good story in mind that I would like to look into. I believe it would make for a very interesting read. In addition, in case any of you are wondering, my poetry is coming along rather well. And I have also started down a new path-- song writing. So far, I have completed the lyrics for two songs that I wrote for a semi-local band that my friend is starting. Hopefully this will go somewhere.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
Other than volleyball, things are... if not excellent, then at least bearable. The prospect of enduring another year looms ahead. I honestly don't know if I'm ready to face it. We'll just have to wait and see.
In writing-related topics, I think I have a good story in mind that I would like to look into. I believe it would make for a very interesting read. In addition, in case any of you are wondering, my poetry is coming along rather well. And I have also started down a new path-- song writing. So far, I have completed the lyrics for two songs that I wrote for a semi-local band that my friend is starting. Hopefully this will go somewhere.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
WHS's Artist
Okay, since I'm going to be an artist part time, what should I draw for the paper you guys?
Hannah, help please since you are the editor-in-chief so you're in charge here. Any ideas?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Hannah, help please since you are the editor-in-chief so you're in charge here. Any ideas?
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
A fresh start for a fresh year!
Yep! its a new school year here at Wickenburg high. I am thrilled :) I hope things go smoothly for all of you.
You know, although this is going very slowly, I'm really excited about this year's Journalism class. There's going to be so much to talk about and I can't wait to get started. And also as an artist, I have no idea what you guys want me to draw for the paper. Ideas are welcome here so go ahead; not to mention, I'm excited for what all you guys are going to write about!
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
journalism class
Were slowly making progress in here! SLOWLY but surely. :)
Most people have a job or something that they can get involved with. With many jobs still waiting to be discovered everybody can be just as excited to see what they can still get involved in. I'm hoping to get some good stories and can't wait to see what my fellow writers have reported on.
Most people have a job or something that they can get involved with. With many jobs still waiting to be discovered everybody can be just as excited to see what they can still get involved in. I'm hoping to get some good stories and can't wait to see what my fellow writers have reported on.
So I'm still a bit slow at blogging, because I haven't had time to figure it out just yet. With all the scholarship things to fill out and classes to keep up with, I can tell already senior year is going to be insane. Seeing as how this is my first blog, it's not going to be too exciting. All I'm going to say is this class should be amazing and it's lovely to meet you all. :)
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
If there is anything that I am incredibly excited for it's the play. This year the chosen one is Dracula. Every girl's fantasy! Well maybye just mine buut it's going to be a great play. It has an amazing director, Mr. Modz.
Today is TOOsday
Phew....this is just amazing, its Tuesday already and there is TOO much to do!
I've gotta find something to do for this class and I'm excited!
The fall play auditions are coming and I'm going for that *cross fingers for me*.
Gotta catch up with left out work from yesterday.
So yea, I'm booked.
What's the plan for y'all this week? Any goals?
I've gotta find something to do for this class and I'm excited!
The fall play auditions are coming and I'm going for that *cross fingers for me*.
Gotta catch up with left out work from yesterday.
So yea, I'm booked.
What's the plan for y'all this week? Any goals?
This year in Journalism, as editor-in-chief-, I can only hope that everyone involved will be ready to write. Last year was a started year for WHS, as far as it goes for having a school newpaper. This year I would like the newpaper to go beyond student, parents, and teachers, expectations! Im so excited to get started, and have my fellow students read and enjoy what our class will put together!
180 days to freedom
It's that time of year again where all of the little students of Wickenburg, Arizona set their alarm clocks and wake up before the sun does. Yes, it's school time. Most of us are glad to see our old pals again, but most of us would just rather see the inside of our eyelids. I am one of those people. Waking up at five 'o clock every morning is already too much for my tired eyes to handle, and it's only the beginning of the second week.
The first week didn't go as horribly as planned, but it could have gone better. Stolen lunch tables, shoving the little people like me around in the hallways,'s not exactly a great "welcome back". But who am I to complain? It's only the second week, it could get better, right?
The countdown begins: 180 days until freedom.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
The first week didn't go as horribly as planned, but it could have gone better. Stolen lunch tables, shoving the little people like me around in the hallways,'s not exactly a great "welcome back". But who am I to complain? It's only the second week, it could get better, right?
The countdown begins: 180 days until freedom.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz
There's a new Copy Editor in town
I opted for being the Copy Editor for the Wrangler Gazette. I love to read, write, and butcher...I mean fix people's writing. So I believe I'll be great for the job. This will be a new experience for me, so I'd appreciate any help I can get.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
Lucy Randazzo
Wickenburg, Ariz.
New photojournalists for the Wickenburg Gazette
As of Friday, August 14, Alex Camacho and I, Emily Prevost, have been appointed as the official photojournalists for the school newspaper, the Wickenburg Gazette. We will be taking pictures of everthing, from sports, to clubs, to anything and all that we believe deserves a snapshot. So if you see either of us around the school with our handy camera, make sure to show us your grill and smile pretty!
I'm pretty excited about this position. Hopefully this year will live up to all my expectations.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
I'm pretty excited about this position. Hopefully this year will live up to all my expectations.
Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz
So far school is going great I have made new friends already and reconnected with old ones. I think this is going to be a great year!
Mr. Burds Journalism
Im very much enjoying this class. Im new to the whole "blogger" so bare with me.
Its A Terrific Tuesday!
Yes its that time of the week the day where you dont feel the week closing to an end but you also dont feel like its the start.... Its basically the "limbo" of every week (: School is going pretty smoothly. I almost didnt get to turn in my spanish home work, but i did so now i dont have to start off my year with 2 fat zeros... So far Journalism is my favorite class. And my top two teachers are Mrs thomas (for her cheery dispostion) and Mr burd (duh!) What are your guys's top two????
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Welcome letter to parents
Greetings. I'm sorry I look rather disheveled in this video. My wife Cathy and I are in the middle of moving from Surprise to Wickenburg. I recorded this segment after we worked at loading a truck for about six hours.
As a general rule, I would be wearing a jacket and tie. However, I told my students that I would post this video on Saturday and I did not want to break my word.
Thanks for watching.
Rick Burd, teacher
Wickenburg HS
Wickenburg, Ariz
As a general rule, I would be wearing a jacket and tie. However, I told my students that I would post this video on Saturday and I did not want to break my word.
Thanks for watching.
Rick Burd, teacher
Wickenburg HS
Wickenburg, Ariz
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Writers, reporters, photographers and editors, welcome to the all new Wrangler Gazette on-line blog for the Wickenburg High School Wranglers.
I hope everyone had a marvelous summer. I know I did. Went to Cancun. Studied at Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU. Several week-ends in Sedona. Rode my bike. Jogged. Hurt my knee. Rode my bike. Swam. Hurt my knee. Rode my bike. Taped up my knee. Jogged. Tape too tight--like a tourniquet. Cut off circulation below knee. Stopped. Walked home. Rode my bike.
I read a lot, also. See you all soon.
Rick Burd
Wickenburg HS
Wickenburg, Ariz
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