Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Wow, Dracula (our fall play) is off to a great start, even though it's just read-throughs. Slowly, we are starting to get to know one another, slowly understand what we are trying to say in the script, and learn one very important lesson: we as cast members are now a family. Much teamwork is needed to help out with this play. Mr. Modz has so many ideas in mind that most of them he's keeping a surprise! As the cast members read, Modz helps out by giving points and assisting with lines to where the actor is not present.
We are getting lots of laughs as we get through the process but we all understand when to be serious.


  1. I think that this will be a great production. There wasn't a lot of hype about the other plays that have been produced at WHS that I know of. You guys are only on the read throughs and people are freaking out about seeing it. It'll be a full house.

    Lucy Randazzo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  2. People are freaking out?
    That is just crazy!
    I guess we got some good publicity then.

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  3. I AM FRICKEN HAPPY ABOUT DRACULA! its going to be the best play we have had since suesical (: (: (:

    WE all die in the end oh well...

    Amanda-ann Aliser
    Wickenburg, ariz

  4. Well...not everyone. HAHA!

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.


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