Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Read-Through and Beyond

Wow, yesterday's read-through was very interesting.
Got through the WHOLE script and found some nice scenes.
Who would've thought that this was more intense than expected.

And of course, after the read-through when I got home, I do another thing for my dad.
I think I'd stick with the read-through thankyouverymuch.

For those who were in rehearsals, what did you guys think of the read-through?


  1. i love'd the read through all of our voices sound great together (: and even though only 3 people dont die its goin to be an awesome play that everyone that who sees is going to looovvveee (: WOOOO-HOOO we all die...

    Amanda Aliser
    Wickenburg, Ariz

  2. Yeah, and I die after FOUR LINES.
    That's what I get for being a fussy woman.

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  3. What part are you going for/got in the play Dannie?

    Shayna Innocenti
    Wickenburg, Ariz

  4. I got Greka, a sixty year old woman in act 3.
    i wanted to be a vampire, but i didnt get it. but that's okay.

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.


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