Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We're not crazy...

At least most of us aren't crazy. We're just thespians! And it's spirit week. You have no idea how odd it is to walk in the halls dressed like a rabbit or a princess while everyone else is in the standard jeans and t shirts. Most people didn't know it was going to be thespian spirit week, mainly because the thespians didn't even know we were having it this week! It was a quite a suprise to everyone really. But just so you all know, tomorrow is 'Silent for a Cause Day', Thursday is 'Fairytale Day', and Friday is 'Backwards Day'. So spread the word and put the "is she completely crazy?" comments to an end. :)

Janaye Campbell
Wickenburg, Ariz.


  1. Hey, I love Thespian Spirit Week (even though I'm not a Thespian yet) because it really shows the soul that everyone has for what they love. I wouldn't call anyone crazy for that! ^^

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  2. I personally think you guys are just supporting what you love! I think it takes guts to do what you guys do. (: So GO THESPIANS!!!!!

  3. I <3 thespian week and amen to that we r not crazzzyyy (: AND also ya its weird walkin around lookin weird...


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