Monday, August 24, 2009

Story ideas.

I'm using this post to get my ideas down on paper, in a sense.

My first idea, the one I will be writing on is the France trip. It will probably be a project for the whole year, but that is okay.

Second is what websites people on campus use most often. We all know that MySpace is a big one, but Facebook and Twitter are catching up. I want to see which site students prefer.

This next one I'm just messing around with. It seems a little too road to me. Music is a big part of a teenagers life. A poll showing which bands are most popular would be interesting. Rap would be the one I would think most people listen to, but I might just be surprised by something weird like Indie Rock or Techno. You never know.


  1. Are you going to france ???? i might (:
    hmmmm i really like the france one..
    the rap one is wellll not your best. I think the second one could be interesting. You have some great ideas lucy keep 'em coming (:

    amanda aliser
    wickenburg ariz

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've already been to France with the People to People Student Ambassador Program. I just plan on covering it. And thank you very much for your support.

    Lucy Randazzo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.

  4. The Pepople to People thing is really fun. Though I only went for the Leadership Forum. But going to France, wow.... hope you have fun. And the websites story, well honestly, not EVERYONE goes on those sites. You might need to put like "other" or "none of these" for those who don't use those sites.
    Music is gonna be tough. I'm not sure how it's gonna work, but if you can make it work out, I'm gonna root for you.

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.


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