Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journalism team receives visit from Wickenburg Sun representative

Respected journalist and publisher for the Wickenburg Sun, Kevin Cloe, made an appearance today in journalism class. He offered his knowledge and experience to the young writers, which was met with much appreciation and enthusiasm.

Mr. Cloe asked the students why they joined journalism. Some replied that they enjoy creative writing.

In response to this, Cloe says, "In journalism, beware of creative writing. Journalism is to present the facts. Don't lose the facts."

This bit of insight spoke to me, since I myself am a creative writer/poet. One of the things I need to focus on this year: don't get too creative, and keep it real.

Another piece of advice that Cloe gives demonstrates the importance of being complete and thorough in interviews and investigation. "If someone's name is Ron Smith, ask him how to spell it! Is it R-O-N, or R-O-N-N, is it S-M-I-T-H, or S-M-Y-T-H, or is it S-M-I-T-H-E?"

When asked how to get more readers, Cloe replies, "Write something interesting. Only a handful of people will pick up the paper at first. But by word of mouth, they'll tell other people, and then those people will go and read it, and tell other people."

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz

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