Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another Beautiful Morning in the Desert

Wow! Today was a spectacular day for an Arizona sunrise!
Due to the rainstorms down south from Hurricane Jimena approaching Mexico, we have been getting some moisture and lots of thunderstorms!
This morning as the sun was coming up and the clouds were scattered and partially holding some of it's water, it created a beautiful, tropical-like color.
Hopefully more will come as the rain continues from the hurricane.
Dannie Malleo
Wickenburg, Ariz.


  1. wow dannie did u take those ? If you did THEY ARE GREAT! if you didnt GOOGLE IS AWESOME! well anyways you're right arizona after it rains in beautiful !

  2. Yes, I did take them. Got them from the comfort of my home. LOL. I'm glad that you like them. :)

    Dannie Malleo
    Wickenburg, Ariz.


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