In case some of you don't know, I take part in the nastiest of habits... a very common yet lethal habit. Yes, I am a smoker. No, it wasn't peer pressure that dragged me into it, nor was it an act for attention.
My whole family smokes, and research shows if both parents smoke, you're most likely going to smoke, also. (I'm not blaming them; it's just statistical probablilities).
Smoking is a disgusting habit; I wish I never got into it. I can tell it has made a negative impact on my health. I can't run very long without struggling to breathe; I can't laugh too hard because I will go into a coughing spasm; and I can't go to sleep until I have a cigarette before bed.
I want to share with you HOW BAD smoking and it's addictions are. So when my parents didn't know I smoked, I would go around my yard looking for half smoked butts to finish off. I would go at this for hours until my craving was satisfied. I would go completely mad if I didnt have a cigarrette; in fact, I still do.
I am not proud of smoking. When I'm in public, I'm embarassed to light up, but my craving for nicotine pushes past my embarassment. I go through a bottle of perfume per month to try to cover up the smell and sometimes it doesn't work. I hear people say "OMG, someone smells like an ashtray!"
Guys, this stuff hurts. Addiction doesnt care who you are, how old you are, or how important you are... Addiction will pull any one in at anytime. It doesnt care if you want to or not; it doesnt consider your feelings. ADDICTION WILL CATCH ANYONE! So for my new year's resolution, I am going to try my hardest to quit smoking!
I liked this post a lot. It was very well written. Maybe you should consider turning it into an article of some sort, or even into an editorial, to inform other's based on your personal experience. And you could even make it anonymous if you didn't want your name on it.
ReplyDeleteI hope you succeed in quiting your habit.
Shayna Innocenti
Wickenburg, Ariz.
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ReplyDeleteI agree with Shayna. Good job, Savannah. I smoked for eight years. I quit when I was 25 years old. Quitting was the hardest thing I ever did.
ReplyDeleteA few things I'll offer: 1)smoking is not a moral issue (it doesn't make you a bad person), and 2) never think of yourself in terms of your failures (think, "I'm a marvelous, talented, kind and considerate person who happens to smoke." Not, "I'm a failure because I can't quit smoking.")
I hope this helps.
Wickenburg, Ariz