Thursday, January 21, 2010

Weather causes complications (obviously)

The wrestling meet at Mohave, scheduled for Friday and Saturday of this week, has been cancelled due to weather conditions. As this was supposed to be a very big meet, and one the team would have to spend the night at, this news comes as a huge disappointment.

Mohave is about three hours northwest of Wickenburg. The drive there would travel through mountainous areas, which would be a problem for the vans given the current state of affairs.

The next meet will be the Wickenburg Invitational. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 27!

I would also like to remind everybody to keep working on your stories. I know it's a little complicated without Mr. Burd here, but the paper must be printed. Without everybody's input, it will not be possible. If you are finished with your assigned articles, brainstorm some more ideas. Run these by Hannah and Shayna, and then get working on them. We don't have a lot of content right now, so every little bit helps. The deadline will come up on you faster than you can imagine.

Emily Prevost
Wickenburg, Ariz.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Emily. I hope to be in on Wednesday, the 27th. I appreciate you and Hannah and Shayna and Lucy and the others who are working hard to get the paper out.

    Wickenburg HS
    Wickenburg, Ariz


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